Chris Evens, the actor who plays the role of Captain America on the Marvel Franchise for over a decade reveals how he managed with his anxiety. Chris has already spoken openly about his anxiety issues, particularly as it relates to his job with Marvel.
Evans shared a tweet from a while back in 2021 that mentioned anxiousnes and his fans responded to him in a big way. He captioned it, “Nothing like anxiety for no reason whatsoever. It Looks like a 4 pm bedtime for me. Happy Friday!” Everyone was in awe of his candid post regarding his anxiety difficulties.
The post at the time had over a million likes. Along with the influx of thousands of comments. Many people expressed in their tweets that they felt validated and seen. His message simply demonstrated to everyone that mental health difficulties can impact anybody and everyone, and he was even commended for it. Even if individuals like Evans are speaking out about their experiences, there is still still stigma associated with issues like anxiety, and ineffective media depiction sadly worsens this by propagating false information. Audiences are beginning to see better representation as a result of a recent movement to include more truthful depictions of neurological illnesses and mental health problems.
Evans recently spoke with MTV News and discussed his experience with anxiousness as well as his coping mechanisms. He has spent more than ten years in the spotlight with Marvel, and he attributes his celebrity to lessening his anxiety since it drove him to face his concerns. The actor spent a lot of time thinking about potential outcomes, but being in the spotlight let him learn that these concerns frequently don’t come to pass.
Evans’ transparency regarding his own difficulties might make someone else feel a bit less alone. Despite how difficult it may be, discussing mental health issues, like Evans does in the aforementioned quotation, aids in eradicating the stigma attached to these subjects. For many people, battling fear and anxiety is a never-ending uphill battle.