According to Chris Hemsworth, who has played the Marvel character Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for eight movies spanning eleven years, the part may finally be ended. Chris recently made a suggestion that the next Thor: Love and Thunder might be his final appearance as the God of Thunder in the series. Chris earlier stated that he felt the same way, noting that his excitement for the position was dwindling.
In 2011’s self-titled picture, Chris made his acting debut as Thor. Chris’s debut in a significant film role. The actor’s sole previous appearance was a cameo in the 2009 movie Star Trek. He later went on to feature in two solo Thor movies as well as the Avengers movies, which helped him become one of the world’s most well-known actors.
When questioned about his most recent Marvel movie by Wired, Chris responded as follows, “Well the last I shot was Thor: Love and Thunder and it might be my last Marvel movie, I don’t know. It was a wild and fun and wacky experience, as all Taika Waititi movies are.” He further added, “Played that character for ten, eleven, years now, and each time it’s been new and exciting, and this was no exception to that. It felt very fresh and it felt like we were trying something we hadn’t tried before. I was, in Taika’s words, I think a wacky, wild, romantic comedy set in space.”
In movies like Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), Rush (2013), Men in Black: International (2019), and Extraction, Chris has also appeared outside of the MCU (2020). Recently, he appeared in the Netflix movie Spiderhead, which came out on Friday. Following the release of Extraction 2, he will appear in Furiosa, the follow-up to the 2015 movie Mad Max: Fury Road.