Lilly Singh: It is easier to follow the rules than to Question them

What is Lilly Singh religion

In her audiobook ‘Be A Triangle,’ Lilly Singh discussed social standards, sexuality, and how she came out to her parents. She stated ,”From the moment we are born, we are taught certain rules. Society serves us norms, pressures and expectations on a platter. As we grow up, most of us continue eating from the platter and never question what is being served to us. It is easier to follow the rules than to question them.”

People are expected to fit into socially defined categories, according to Lilly, and doing so can sometimes lead to questioning.”At the age of thirty, I came out as bisexual to my family,” she continued,”  It was definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and the lead-up to that moment was filled with anxiety. Out of fear that I would lose my words, I wrote my parents a letter, printed it out, and placed it in front of them. The only thing I can recall is that I was disappointed.”

Lilly Singh: It is easier to follow the rules than to Question them 2

She further said,”The picture I took of that moment in my brain is one where I’m trying to be brave and authentic, and no one is being supportive of me. Looking at that picture over and over again during the next two years, I let that disappointment impact my life in every way. I became less confident, harder on myself, and jaded. After much reflection, I’ve come to realise that the mental picture I took of this moment was not entirely reflective of the truth. In reality, my parents came into my room and hugged me. They didn’t say the exact sentences I wanted them to say, but they said many words of support. I expected perfection and instant accommodation, which isn’t fair given that my mom and dad grew up in a time and place where queerness wasn’t discussed or openly displayed.”

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