Everyone should watch a Netflix documentary series at least once or twice a year to learn more about the secrets of this world. 

In addition to keeping you informed on things, you have to see to believe, doing so teaches you how to defend the present from the misdeeds that mostly destroyed the past. 

To that end, Ancient Apocalypse, a recent Netflix original, is the ideal show to watch to do this.  

The 2022 release is already dominating the streaming site’s Top 10 TV series list, as millions of fans worldwide are eager to learn about ancient civilizations. Maybe you’ll experience the same thing. 

Here is everything you need to know about Ancient Apocalypse without further ado. 

Graham Hancock looks into prehistoric settlements and places that are thought to have vanished without a trace, from Indonesia’s Gunung Padang to Turkey’s Derinkuyu. 

The tenacious journalist wants to learn how these civilizations were destroyed and whether any of their remnants have survived the passage of time. 

Hancock’s ultimate objective is to examine what kinds of cataclysmic events (if any) might have had a role in the demise of such legendary sites. 

Ancient Apocalypse will investigate all possibilities, including the spread of human disease and devastating meteor showers.