1. Pilot (Season 1, Episode 1)

The first episode of the series established the different relationships between the characters of the show.

2. Disneyland (Season 3, Episode 22) 

The image of Lily tied up on a leash is forever etched in our brains and can’t stop being funny.

3. Schooled (Season 4, Episode 2) 

This episode featured the ideal blend of humour and emotion as Phil and Claire dropped Haley off at college and left.

4. My Funky Valentine (Season 1, Episode 15) 

This episode of Modern Family kicked off the yearly Valentine's Day episodes. To make this a memorable evening, Claire and Phil adopt alter personas, but things don't go according to plan.

5. Fizbo (Season 1, Episode 9) 

Fizbo, a clown created by Cam, was introduced to the audience for the first time at this performance. The episode is a comedy of errors and is set up at Luke's birthday celebration.

6. Caught In The Act (Season 2, Episode 13) 

In this episode, Haley, Alex, and Luke behave in an excruciatingly inappropriate manner as they inadvertently enter their parents' bedroom.

7. Goodnight Gracie (Season 4 Episode 24) 

This is the episode where the entire family travels to Florida as Phil’s mother passes away. The fireworks in the sky at the end as Alex gives her eulogy will make you tear up every single time.

8. Suddenly, Last Summer (Season 5, Episode 1)

We find out that gay marriage has been made legal in California as the show begins. Cam and Mitch are now competing to ask the other to marry them.

9. The Wedding (Season 5, Episode 23 and 24) 

Modern Family peaked with these two episodes. The disasters just don’t seem to end on Mitch and Cam’s wedding day.

10. Connection Lost (Season 6, Episode 16) 

In retrospect, this episode makes perfect sense at a period of social isolation. In the opening moments of the episode, Claire tries to facetime Haley but is unsuccessful.