The third installment of Creed showcases a sibling rivalry between Adonis and Diamond Dame, but it falls short compared to Tom Hardy's Warrior

Adonis is forced to come out of retirement to fight his ex-best friend Damian Anderson, who is now a successful fighter 

The character of Diamond Dame adds to the conflict, as Adonis struggles to reconcile his feelings towards Damian, whom he still considers a brother 

However, the conflict lacks depth, with Adonis aware that he should apologize but only do so after their fight 

In contrast, Warrior portrays sibling rivalry more effectively, featuring Tom Hardy as Tommy and Joel Edgerton as Brendan in Philadelphia 

The stakes are high, not just because of the $5 million prize but because the story focuses on family dynamics rather than just belts and pride 

Tommy wanted to defeat Brendan because he felt abandoned while caring for their sick parents, and Brendan was fighting to overcome the traumas of his difficult childhood 

These motivations created a genuine rivalry, unlike the arbitrary conflict between Adonis and Dame

Warrior's portrayal of the brotherly conflict had a more genuine emotional foundation, surpassing mere jealousy and ambition 

Overall, Warrior's depiction was more thought-provoking compared to Creed III's predictable storyline, where the "brothers" competed to outdo each other