Amber Heard has spoken about her misfortune in the slander preliminary against ex-Johnny Depp interestingly since the decision.


A jury in Virginia, recently, decided that entertainer Amber Heard had criticized her ex Johnny Depp when she guaranteed he had mishandled her during their marriage.


The jury likewise requested her to pay Johnny $10.35 million in penalties.


Presently, interestingly since the decision, Amber has ended her quiet in a meeting.


The entertainer has said she doesn’t ‘fault’ the jury yet included that her portrayal of virtual entertainment has been out of line.


The jury had likewise viewed Johnny to be blameworthy of maligning on one count and requested him to pay Amber $2 million in penalties.


Talking about it on the Today Show, Amber said about the jury, “I don’t fault them. I get it. He’s a cherished person and individuals feel they know him.


He’s a phenomenal entertainer.” The entertainer likewise tended to the images that have been made about her and the disdain coming to her directly via virtual entertainment through the preliminary.


Johnny had sued Amber for $50 million guaranteeing she maligned him when she called herself a survivor of homegrown maltreatment in a Washington Post commentary she wrote in 2018.


Johnny had lost a past defamation case in the UK he had documented against the newspaper The Sun, which considered him a “spouse mixer”.
