Robert Downey Jr. believes that Oppenheimer's success has turned into a "terrible tragedy" for Christopher Nolan

Playfully, Downey remarked that it's a "terrible tragedy" that Oppenheimer's enormous success unwittingly increased Nolan's public recognition.

With a sense of humor, the actor discussed a recent disappointment for the director and asked the audience to lift his spirits. 

With a humorous aside, Downey Jr. said of Nolan, "I don't mean to bring this up, I know it's very personal, but he has become recognizable on the street."

After winning the award, Christopher Nolan thanked his wife, Emma Thomas, a producer, saying that she "produced all of my films and all of my children." Four children have been born to the couple since their 1997 wedding.

When Nolan screened his second feature, Memento, at Sundance more than twenty years ago, the film received positive reviews. In his remarks, he made reference to that early achievement.

Nolan said, "The experiences you have here [at Sundance] as a filmmaker is unique." He continued by expressing his appreciation for the meeting he had with Memento 23 years prior at Sundance and emphasized that he will always remember the event.

This honor is the most recent that Nolan has received in the weeks since he was named best director for Oppenheimer at the Critics Choice and Golden Globe Awards earlier this month.

Robert Downey Jr. also took home awards at both ceremonies, winning best supporting actor for his work in the movie that followed Cillian Murphy's portrayal of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb.