The fourth episode of 'Moon Knight' was posted on Hotstar after the first three episodes gained popularity among fans (April 20).

The storyline looks to become progressively confused as the first season unfolds and the last episode of the first season approaches.

Because the moon god Khonshu has been imprisoned by his other gods, his human avatar Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac) is forced to fight cult leader Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke) without his Moon Knight abilities.

Marc Specter and Layla's search for Ammit's tomb takes up the opening thirty minutes of the fourth episode.

Then, when Arthur Harrow cold-bloodedly shoots Marc Specter, a significant surprise occurs, followed by 10 minutes that call into question the whole scenario constructed in the preceding three episodes.

The views and actions as Layla and Steven make their way to the tomb are evocative of well-known films such as 'Tomb Raider' and 'The Mummy.'

There were also gore sequences in Episode 4 that were horrifying enough to make one feel uneasy. As the chapter progresses, Layla nearly defeats a monster before meeting Arthur Harrow, who confesses that Marc Specter murdered Layla's father as a mercenary.

Episode 4 is particularly strong in terms of Layla's character development, as she is able to defeat a monster on her own and learns a great deal about her past and father.

Steven successfully places his hand inside the mummy's mouth and retrieves the Ammit figurine after some unpleasantness.

Because the moon god Khonshu has been imprisoned by his other gods, his human avatar Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac) is forced to fight cult leader Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke) without his Moon Knight abilities.