James Corden is horrified by Tom Cruise's aerial stunt from Top Gun.

This isn't the first time Tom has forced James to undertake a stunt.

They skydived together during the promotion of Mission: Impossible - Fallout a few years ago.

Tom Cruise is making a big effort to promote his new picture Top Gun: Maverick.

The actor took it to the next level during a recent visit on James Corden's Late Late Show.

Tom flew a fighter plane with James in the back seat for a special piece on James' show.

Tom begins the section by saying, "I'm quite thrilled that James is doing this." "Was he the first late-night host I inquired about?" Hell, no. He was the first... and only... person to say yes."

Tom Cruise flips the fighter plane upside down at one point during the flight, terrifying James Corden.