Kanye West’s recent antisemitic remarks were addressed in Dave Chappelle’s opening monologue on Saturday Night Live.  

The comedian made light of Ye’s tirade on the Jewish people by joking, “I denounce antisemitism in all its forms. 

And I stand with my friends in the Jewish community. And that, Kanye, is how you buy yourself some time.” 

In his monologue, Chappelle continued to criticise West and made remarks about how the rapper and business magnate believed he was untouchable until Adidas 

Dave stated, “Ironically, Addias was founded by Nazis and even they were offended.” 

In addition to having his Twitter account suspended after making antisemitic comments, rapper Kanye West also lost out on several business deals as companies stopped working with him as a result.  

John Legend, a former friend from the music business, was one of those who criticised Kanye’s remarks.  

He wrote, “Weird how all these ‘free, independent thinkers’ always land at the same old anti blackness and anti semitism.” 

David Schwimmer, from Friends, also made a call to West and shared a photo on Instagram. 

The comedian once uttered the following, “I’ve been to Hollywood and this is just what I saw: It’s a lot of Jews, like a lot.