In this sequel to the Karate Kid flicks, rivals Johnny (William Zabka) and Daniel (Ralph Macchio) are retooling their talents.

They are surrounded by teenage drama as they create their professional portfolio.

For better or worse, everyone knows that Cobra Kai never dies.

In fact, the fearless dojo appears to be becoming stronger by the day following the events of the season four finale.

But that's not necessarily a good thing, as Terry Silver's hostile takeover has made their bullying tactics much worse.

Now that Kreese has been arrested for attempted murder (after being falsely accused by a former ally), the only people who can stop them are the decent people at Miyagi-Do.

On September 9, the new season will premiere. Prepare your gis for some high-kicking action.

Since Netflix purchased Cobra Kai from YouTube Red/Premium, new seasons have premiered on New Year's Day (season three) and New Year's Eve (season four) (season four).