The Offer (2022)

Christian Bale discusses his willingness to take on a different character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after portraying Gorr in Thor: Love and Thunder 

The Offer (2022)

Thor: Love and Thunder, the second-to-last Marvel film to be released in Phase 4, generally received favorable reviews from reviewers and viewers, with an appreciation for Bale’s villain in particular. 

The Offer (2022)

Soon after Avengers: Endgame, the film begins with Thor (Chris Hemsworth) still trying to figure out where he fits. 

The Offer (2022)

To vanquish Gorr the God Butcher, the Norse-inspired hero is ultimately compelled to cooperate with Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster and Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie. 

The Offer (2022)

After receiving positive feedback for his portrayal of Gorr in Thor: Love and Thunder, Bale now discusses whether he’d return to the MCU to play any other roles.  

The Offer (2022)

Gorr may have passed away after the movie, but according to a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Bale is willing to portray a different character if the part is right. 

The Offer (2022)

When asked if he would be interested in making a return to the MCU, Bale responded in full as follows: 

The Offer (2022)

Gorr’s distinctive appearance in Thor: Love and Thunder may be very smooth if Bale returned to the MCU looking more like him 

The Offer (2022)

Watching the former Batman actor take on a more heroic role after playing such a dark antagonist would be intriguing.