Mon Mothma, one of the show’s main characters, was first seen in Andor episode 4, which also hinted at a major development for the senator and the plot of the entire series. 

Initially appearing in Return of the Jedi as the head of the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Endor.

The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels that Mon Mothma had a significant impact on the galaxy’s development prior to Episode VI. 

This significance resulted from the Rebel Alliance’s early creation, which was a major theme throughout her appearances in Star Wars: Rebels.  

Then, with the arrival of Andor, the focus will shift to Mon Mothma’s mission of creating the Rebel Alliance out of the darkness of the Empire. 

Through one dialogue-heavy sequence with Mon Mothma and her husband in Andor episode 4.

A significant event in the senator’s future that will almost probably be depicted in Andor season 2 was predicted. 

Sometime after Andor episode 4, during a discussion about the couple’s supper with some Empire officials, Mon Mothma expresses her dislike for the guests since they blocked off the shipping lines.  

The Emperor orders the slaughter of nonviolent demonstrators on Ghorman, which occurs in 2 BBY, and thus alludes to the resulting Ghorman massacre.

In the Star Wars: Rebels episode “Secret Cargo,” Mon Mothma utilizes this occasion to make a frank statement against the cruelty of the Emperor.