10 ‘Election’ (1999)

The best movie about the 2016 election was actually made in 1999.  

9 ‘I Love You, Man’ (2009)

The "brom-com," or bromantic comedy, is a comparatively underrepresented subgenre. However, I Love You, Man is actually all that is required.

8 ‘A Quiet Place’ (2018)

Recreate the silent, eerie atmosphere of a movie theatre by eliminating all distractions, turning off the lights, opening your candies, and doing whatever else is necessary. It's best to watch A Quiet Place as quietly as you can.

7 ‘A.I.: Artificial Intelligence’ (2001)

Twenty years ago, A.I. was too happy for fans of Stanley Kubrick, the renowned filmmaker who created this science fiction tale about a robot kid who is programmed to fall in love.

6 ‘Saving Private Ryan’ (1998)

Saving Private Ryan, a visceral and vivid dramatisation of the D-Day invasion by Steven Spielberg, does more than simply convey the horror of war.

5 ‘Into the Wild’ (2007)

Just before he perished on his reckless solo Alaskan journey, Christopher McCandless scrawled, "Happiness only real when shared," on a bus.

4 ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ (2008)

Although The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is considered as the "one for them" that David Fincher had to make for Paramount to secure funding for Zodiac, his work on it is far from workmanlike studio hackery.

3 ‘Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol’ (2011)

The best Mission: Impossible film could theoretically be any of them, but I'm here to put this to rest once and for all: it's 2011's Ghost Protocol.

2 ‘Face/Off’ (1997)

What more indication is needed that something insane and grand is about to happen than Nicolas Cage tearing up the Hallelujah Chorus during a movie's opening credits?

1 ‘There Will Be Blood’ (2007)

The movie adaptation of the "Great American Novel," There Will Be Blood, may be the closest yet.