In the upcoming film “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,” Freya Allan portrays Mae, a human character whose intelligence sets her apart in a world dominated by apes. The latest trailer, debuted during the Super Bowl, sheds light on Mae’s pivotal role in the story, revealing why she becomes the target of the ape leader, Proximus Caesar. As the narrative unfolds almost 300 years after the events of “War for the Planet of the Apes,” Mae’s unique qualities become essential in challenging the established order.
What makes Mae a target for the apes, particularly Proximus Caesar?
- Mae’s heightened intelligence distinguishes her from other humans, making her a perceived threat to Proximus Caesar’s rule. Her ability to potentially educate and empower other humans poses a danger to the established order maintained by the apes.
How does the mutated Simian Flu virus contribute to Mae’s significance?
- Following the events of “War for the Planet of the Apes,” the Simian Flu virus mutates, rendering most humans mute and primitive. Mae’s immunity or resilience to the virus, coupled with her enhanced intellect, makes her a symbol of potential resurgence for humankind.
Why is Mae’s intelligence considered a threat by Proximus Caesar?
- Proximus Caesar recognizes the historical capabilities of humanity and fears that Mae’s intelligence could catalyze a resurgence in human intellect. Her ability to challenge the apes’ dominance threatens the stability of their society.
How does Mae’s character reflect themes of enlightenment and truth in the film?
- Mae embodies the potential for enlightenment and truth in a society ruled by dictatorship. Her intelligence symbolizes the power of knowledge to challenge oppressive regimes and instigate change.
As “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” approaches its release, audiences anticipate witnessing Mae’s journey and the impact of her character on the dynamic between humans and apes in this dystopian world.