Understanding Violet Sorrengail’s Condition in Fourth Wing

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Fourth Wing

In the captivating tale of “Fourth Wing,” readers are introduced to Violet Sorrengail, a determined young woman striving to become a dragon rider at Basgiath War College. However, Violet faces unique challenges due to a condition affecting her joints, adding an extra layer of complexity to her journey.

The Reality Behind Violet’s Condition

While Violet’s condition in “Fourth Wing” is not explicitly named, it closely resembles Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a disorder impacting connective tissues such as joints, skin, and blood vessels. EDS can manifest in various forms, leading to symptoms like joint instability, easy bruising, and chronic pain. Author Rebecca Yarros, drawing from her personal experience with EDS affecting herself and her sons, provides representation for individuals with similar conditions through Violet’s story.

Why Violet’s Story Matters

Yarros’s decision to depict Violet’s journey with a disability serves as a crucial step toward disability representation in the fantasy genre. Often, fantasy heroines are portrayed as physically strong from the outset, neglecting the experiences of those with disabilities. By crafting Violet as a character whose disability does not hinder her bravery or intelligence, Yarros challenges this narrative and underscores the importance of diverse representation.

Violet’s Strength Beyond Physicality

Despite facing skepticism and prejudice from her peers at Basgiath, Violet proves her worth through her resilience, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination. Her story resonates with readers, demonstrating that heroism transcends physical limitations and highlighting the power of inner strength.

Inspiring Inclusion in Literature

“Fourth Wing” sets a precedent for inclusivity in literature by showcasing a disabled protagonist embarking on a thrilling adventure. Yarros’s portrayal of Violet encourages other authors to incorporate disability and chronic illness representation in their works, fostering a more diverse and inclusive literary landscape.

Violet Sorrengail’s journey in “Fourth Wing” exemplifies the triumph of the human spirit, reminding readers that true strength lies not in physical prowess alone, but in the courage to overcome adversity and embrace one’s unique abilities.

Understanding Violet Sorrengail's Condition in Fourth Wing 2


What is the condition affecting Violet Sorrengail in “Fourth Wing”?

While not explicitly named in the book, Violet’s condition bears resemblance to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a disorder impacting connective tissues and causing symptoms like joint instability and chronic pain.

Is Violet’s condition based on real-life experiences?

Yes, author Rebecca Yarros has spoken about her and her sons’ diagnosis with EDS, indicating that Violet’s experiences draw from personal understanding.

Why did the author choose to portray Violet with a disability?

Yarros aimed to provide representation for individuals with disabilities in the fantasy genre, challenging stereotypes of heroines as exclusively physically strong and showcasing the power of inner strength and resilience.

How does Violet overcome challenges related to her condition?

Despite facing skepticism and obstacles at Basgiath War College, Violet relies on her intelligence, bravery, and determination to succeed. She also receives support from her dragon and accommodations such as a specially designed saddle.

What message does Violet’s story convey?

Violet’s journey emphasizes that heroism transcends physical limitations and underscores the importance of diverse representation in literature. Her character inspires readers to recognize and celebrate inner strength and resilience.

Will “Fourth Wing” inspire more inclusive literature?

Yarros’s portrayal of Violet sets a precedent for inclusion in literature, encouraging other authors to incorporate disability and chronic illness representation in their works, thereby fostering a more diverse literary landscape.

Are there plans for further exploration of Violet’s character and condition in future books?

While not confirmed, readers may anticipate additional insights into Violet’s journey and the impact of her condition in potential sequels or related works.

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