In the world of “The Far Side” by Gary Larson, even routine situations like visits to the doctor take on a surreal and often morbidly funny twist. Larson’s unique humor transforms mundane medical scenarios into absurd and entertaining comic strips. Here are some of the wildest and most hilarious strips from “The Far Side” that focus on doctors and the medical field.
“One Bad Wheel”
- Description: A man rolling a hospital gurney with a wonky wheel becomes distracted by the malfunction while surrounded by dead bodies.
- Analysis: Larson’s use of mundane occurrences in unusual settings adds a surreal element to this comic strip, making it both humorous and morbid.
“Doggy Scraps”
- Description: A controversial strip featuring a hungry dog in an operating room, eagerly awaiting some scraps from the surgeons.
- Analysis: This strip challenges conventional norms by depicting a dog in an unexpected medical setting, adding to its comedic and controversial nature.
“The Old Rubber-Scalpel Gag”
- Description: Surgeons play a practical joke on a colleague during an operation by using a rubber scalpel.
- Analysis: Larson’s humor turns a serious medical procedure into a ridiculous and humorous scenario, highlighting the absurdity of the situation.
“We’ll Probably Need It”
- Description: A body part unexpectedly flies into the air during surgery, prompting one doctor to casually remark, “We’ll probably need it.”
- Analysis: This strip combines humor with heebie-jeebie-inducing imagery, creating a comedic yet unsettling scene in the operating room.
“You Don’t Even Have A Funny Bone”
- Description: A clown receives distressing news from a doctor about not having a funny bone, adding an ironic twist to the situation.
- Analysis: Larson’s play on words and use of irony heighten the humor in this strip, showcasing his unique comedic style.
What makes “The Far Side” medical strips stand out?
“The Far Side” medical strips stand out for their surreal and often morbidly funny take on routine medical situations, showcasing Gary Larson’s unique humor and creativity.
Are there any controversial strips in “The Far Side” medical collection?
Yes, “Doggy Scraps” is one such controversial strip featuring a hungry dog in an operating room, which was deemed too controversial to be published by Larson’s editor.
How does Gary Larson use humor in “The Far Side” medical strips?
Larson uses humor to transform serious medical scenarios into absurd and entertaining comic strips, often by introducing unexpected elements or twists to the situations.
“The Far Side” medical strips offer a unique blend of humor, surrealism, and irony, turning routine medical scenarios into memorable and hilarious comic moments. Gary Larson’s creativity and comedic genius shine through in each strip, making them beloved classics in the world of comic art.