Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour Breaks Disney+ Records A Comparison with Hamilton

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Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour’s record achievement on Disney+ makes the accomplishments of a release that the streaming platform debuted four years ago even more impressive. Recognizing the former release’s remarkable success in hindsight does not alter the reality of what Taylor Swift has achieved, for since its premiere, the pop icon’s The Eras Tour broke a Disney+ streaming record and demonstrated just how big of a phenomenon Swift and her fanbase are. At present, The Eras Tour, a cinematic rendering of the singer’s sixth concert tour, is the no.1 most streamed music film of all time on Disney+.

With 4.6 million views and 16.2 million viewing hours as of about a week ago, the concert movie is an incredible feat, especially seeing as it succeeded two other versions of The Eras Tour released outside of Disney+. Still, though, Disney’s extended version of Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour, coupled with the dedicated admiration of the singer and songwriter’s Swiftie fanbase, was the perfect recipe for the concert movie to hit it big. In more than just identifying her own regards, however, Swift’s The Era’s Tour also put into perspective the staggering success of another Disney+ music-based film.

Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour On Disney+ Shows Just How Huge Hamilton Was

The Eras Tour is monumental for Disney+, no doubt – though comparatively, the 2020 cinematic stage performance of Hamilton was also a big deal for Disney+, if not just as fruitful. Swift’s concert movie, at first glance, appears to be far out of Hamilton’s league in terms of streaming trajectory, garnering its record 4.6 million views in the first three days of release, while Hamilton amassed just 2.8 million in its first 12 days (via Samba TV). The disparity in numbers could indicate that The Eras Tour outperformed Hamilton, but the latter actually did exceedingly well, given its circumstances.

Hamilton still welcomed millions of viewers and was a major source of profit for Disney+.

While The Eras Tour has the advantage of Disney’s current subscriber base, which Statista amounts to about 149.6 million, Hamilton made its debut around the time the streaming platform’s subscriber base was less than half that, at 60.5 million. Having less of an audience to cater to, Hamilton still welcomed millions of viewers – about 37% of Disney+ subscribers in its first month (per Variety) – and was a major source of profit for Disney+. It not only shepherded viewers from competing titles on streaming sites like Netflix, but Hamilton led to an increase in Disney+ subscribers of 72.4%.

Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour Breaks Disney+ Records A Comparison with Hamilton 2


What is “The Eras Tour” by Taylor Swift?

    “The Eras Tour” is a cinematic rendering of Taylor Swift’s sixth concert tour, featuring performances of her hit songs from various eras of her career.

    How has “The Eras Tour” performed on Disney+?

      “The Eras Tour” has broken Disney+ streaming records, becoming the no.1 most streamed music film of all time on the platform, with 4.6 million views and 16.2 million viewing hours within its first week of release.

      How does “The Eras Tour” compare to “Hamilton” on Disney+?

        While “The Eras Tour” has achieved significant streaming success, “Hamilton” also performed exceptionally well upon its release on Disney+. Despite differing subscriber bases at the time of release, both films have demonstrated the popularity of music-based content on the platform.

        What contributed to the success of “The Eras Tour” on Disney+?

          Factors contributing to the success of “The Eras Tour” include Taylor Swift’s dedicated fanbase, Disney’s extended version of the concert film, and the overall appeal of Swift’s performances across various eras of her career.

          Why was “Hamilton” considered a major success for Disney+?

            “Hamilton” was considered a major success for Disney+ due to its ability to attract millions of viewers and increase Disney+ subscriptions significantly. Despite initial concerns about translating a stage performance to screen, “Hamilton” proved to be a profitable venture for the streaming platform.

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