Robert Kirkman’s Tribute to ’90s Comics: A Rediscovery of Influence

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Robert Kirkman

Renowned comic writer Robert Kirkman, celebrated for his successful 2000s-era comics like Invincible and The Walking Dead, acknowledges the profound influence of the “extreme” comics of the 1990s, particularly those from Image Comics. Kirkman credits founders Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld, and Erik Larsen as major inspirations for his own work, defending an era of comics that many are quick to dismiss.

Kirkman’s enthusiasm for the ’90s comics era is evident in his commentary in The Walking Dead Deluxe #84, where he openly discusses how these comics influenced his famous black-and-white zombie series. He idolizes the Image Comics founders and attributes much of his storytelling style to their groundbreaking work.

While Kirkman’s works, including The Walking Dead and Invincible, may differ in style from the classic Image Comics titles, they share a spirit of extremity and intensity that echoes the ethos of the ’90s comics era. Kirkman highlights elements like splash pages and gripping cliffhangers as key aspects of his storytelling, inspired by the original Image Comics titles.

Kirkman’s admiration for the founders of Image Comics is evident in his incorporation of their storytelling techniques into his own work. He cites Larsen and Liefeld in particular for their heavy action and cool cliffhangers, which served as a significant source of inspiration for him.

Despite superficial differences between The Walking Dead and classic Image Comics titles, Kirkman emphasizes the underlying excitement and drive that permeates both. He attributes much of the success of The Walking Dead to the influence of ’90s comics, which provided a framework for crafting narratives with strong visual impact and narrative momentum.

Kirkman’s debt to Image Comics founders is further evident in the “Invincible War” crossover event in Invincible #60, where he pays direct homage to these influential creators by teaming up his titular hero with original Image Comics heroes like Spawn, Youngblood, and Savage Dragon.

Robert Kirkman’s acknowledgment of the influence of ’90s comics and his incorporation of their storytelling techniques into his own work serve as a tribute to the original Image Comics founders. By embracing the spirit of the ’90s comics era, Kirkman celebrates and redeems an often-maligned period in comics history.

Robert Kirkman's Tribute to '90s Comics: A Rediscovery of Influence 2


What are some examples of Robert Kirkman’s notable comic book works?
Robert Kirkman is best known for creating The Walking Dead, a long-running series that became a cultural phenomenon, spawning a successful TV adaptation. He is also celebrated for Invincible, a superhero comic that garnered critical acclaim for its fresh take on the genre.

Why does Robert Kirkman attribute influence to ’90s comics, particularly those from Image Comics?
Kirkman credits the extreme and intense storytelling style of ’90s comics, particularly those from Image Comics, as major influences on his work. He highlights elements like splash pages, heavy action, and gripping cliffhangers as key aspects that shaped his own storytelling approach.

How does Robert Kirkman pay homage to the original Image Comics founders in his work?
Kirkman directly references and incorporates characters and storytelling elements from original Image Comics titles into his own work. For example, in the “Invincible War” crossover event, he teams up his titular hero with original Image Comics heroes like Spawn, Youngblood, and Savage Dragon.

What impact did ’90s comics have on Robert Kirkman’s success as a comic book writer?
Kirkman attributes much of the success of his comic book works, such as The Walking Dead and Invincible, to the influence of ’90s comics. He believes that the strong visual impact and narrative momentum of ’90s comics provided a framework for crafting engaging and compelling narratives that resonated with readers.

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