Meet the New Robin: Velma Dinkley Takes Gotham by Storm

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DC Comics has stunned fans with its latest Robin selection: none other than Velma Dinkley from Mystery Inc. While she may not have the typical background of previous Robins, Velma’s unparalleled detective skills make her a perfect fit alongside Batman. In The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #2, Velma’s prowess shines as she teams up with the Dark Knight to tackle a case involving Solomon Grundy. With her intelligence and resourcefulness, Velma proves that she’s more than capable of holding her own in Gotham City.

Meet the New Robin: Velma Dinkley Takes Gotham by Storm 2


Why Velma Dinkley as Robin?

How Does Velma Compare to Other Robins?

What Sets The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries Apart?

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