Decoding Shazam’s Speed and DC’s Fastest Heroes


In a recent issue of Shazam!, the hero’s maximum flight speed was unveiled to be Mach 50, equivalent to approximately 38,060 mph. This revelation allows for comparisons with other DC heroes, providing insight into the speed hierarchy within the DC Universe.

Shazam’s Remarkable Speed
At Mach 50, Shazam surpasses the speed of sound by 50 times, making him an exceptionally fast hero. While this speed is impressive, it marks a significant reduction from his previously assumed limitless speed, or at least as fast as lightning.

The Flash
DC’s speedsters, especially those like Wally West, derive their power from the Speed Force, enabling speeds surpassing that of light itself. Wally West, hailed as the fastest man in the multiverse, outpaces Shazam by a wide margin, achieving feats unmatched by any other hero.

Superman and Kryptonians
Superman, Supergirl, and Power Girl, with their Kryptonian physiology, are capable of reaching speeds rivaling the Flash. Their exceptional speed feats, coupled with their abilities, place them above Shazam in the speed hierarchy.

Green Lantern Corps
Surprisingly, Green Lanterns can traverse transluminal space at velocities exceeding the speed of light, theoretically making them at least 17,620 times faster than Shazam. This unexpected revelation establishes them as some of the fastest heroes in the DC Universe.

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman, bestowed with speed by the Greek god Hermes, is another contender likely surpassing Shazam’s speed. Her remarkable swiftness and feats comparable to those of the Flash and Superman solidify her position among DC’s fastest heroes.

while Shazam’s Mach 50 speed is impressive, he falls short compared to the top speedsters like the Flash and the cosmic capabilities of heroes like Superman and the Green Lantern Corps. This insight into DC’s speed hierarchy adds depth to the understanding of each hero’s capabilities and contributions within the vast DC Universe.


How was Shazam’s maximum flight speed revealed?

In Shazam! #7 by Mark Waid and Goran Sudžuka, The Captain’s internal monologue during a hurried flight to an important family announcement disclosed his top speed of Mach 50.

How fast is Mach 50 in miles per hour?

Mach 50 equates to approximately 38,060 mph, which is 50 times faster than the speed of sound.

Who are the fastest heroes in the DC Universe?

The Flash, particularly Wally West, stands as the fastest hero, surpassing the speed of light. Superman, Supergirl, and Power Girl, with their Kryptonian abilities, also exhibit incredible speed. Green Lantern Corps members can traverse transluminal space at velocities exceeding light speed.

How does Shazam’s speed compare to the Flash’s?

Shazam’s Mach 50 speed pales in comparison to the Flash’s ability to tap into the Speed Force, allowing for speeds surpassing light. The Flash, especially Wally West, is considered the fastest hero in the DC Universe.

Is Wonder Woman faster than Shazam?

With speed granted by the Greek god Hermes, Wonder Woman exhibits remarkable swiftness, likely surpassing Shazam’s Mach 50 speed.

How significant is Shazam’s speed compared to other DC heroes?

While Shazam’s Mach 50 speed is impressive, he falls short of the top speedsters like the Flash and the cosmic capabilities of heroes like Superman and the Green Lantern Corps.

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