Damsel: A Netflix Misfire with a Dragon-Sized Flaw

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Since her breakout role in Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown has become synonymous with Netflix stardom. However, her latest Netflix venture, Damsel, falls far short of expectations. Despite an intriguing premise, star-studded cast, and creative creature design, Damsel fails to deliver a compelling fantasy adventure due to its woefully thin script and lackluster execution.

The movie follows Princess Elodie, played by Brown, who is betrothed to Prince Henry, portrayed by Nick Robinson. However, she soon discovers that she has been recruited as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt owed by the royal family. Thrown into a cave with a fire-breathing dragon, Elodie must rely on her wits and will to survive.

The premise of Damsel holds promise, playing with the damsel-in-distress archetype in a fresh and intriguing way. However, the film’s narrative fails to capitalize on this premise, with a script that is little more than a barebones outline. Awkward dialogue and thinly drawn characters leave even talented actors like Angela Bassett and Robin Wright stranded, unable to elevate the material.

The movie’s biggest flaw lies in its inability to flesh out its story beyond the initial premise. While the first few minutes of Elodie’s survival are engaging, the film quickly loses momentum as it fails to delve deeper into its world and characters. Viewers are left with a hollow experience, devoid of the depth and complexity needed to sustain interest.

Despite its shortcomings, Damsel does have a few bright spots. The creatively conceived dragon, voiced by Shohreh Aghdashloo, adds texture and emotion to the film. Design-wise, the creature is a standout, with fluid movement and visually striking fire-breathing sequences. However, these elements are not enough to save the film from its fundamental flaws.

In the end, Damsel is a missed opportunity for Netflix and its talented cast. While the film boasts interesting ideas and impressive visuals, it ultimately falls short due to its weak script and lack of substance. As Netflix continues its collaboration with Millie Bobby Brown through at least 2025, one can only hope that future projects will learn from the mistakes of Damsel and deliver more satisfying experiences for viewers.

Damsel: A Netflix Misfire with a Dragon-Sized Flaw 2


What is Damsel about?

Damsel follows Princess Elodie, who is recruited as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt owed by a royal family. Thrown into a cave with a fire-breathing dragon, she must rely on her wits and will to survive.

Who stars in Damsel?

The film stars Millie Bobby Brown, Nick Robinson, Angela Bassett, Robin Wright, and Shohreh Aghdashloo.

What are the pros and cons of Damsel?

Pros include an interesting dragon design and voice performance, while cons include a thin script, lackluster execution, and underutilization of its talented cast.

Is Damsel worth watching on Netflix?

While Damsel has some visually impressive moments, its weak script and lack of substance make it a disappointing watch overall. Viewers may find better options for fantasy adventures elsewhere on Netflix.

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