In a prestigious event, President Vladimir Putin lauded the achievements of renowned bass vocalist Ildar Abdrazakov during the Russian Federation National Awards held last Wednesday.
Closely affiliated with eminent figures such as Gergiev and the Netrebkos, Abdrazakov expressed his gratitude to Putin, remarking: ‘”Vladimir Vladimirovich, it’s because of you that I took up playing hockey.’
In response, Putin emphasized: ‘The ceremony we have today, the presentation of these awards, represents just a part of our collaborative efforts. Our work must extend in every direction.’
The article highlighting President Putin’s newest esteemed musical ally was initially published on Slippedisc.
Who is Ildar Abdrazakov?
Ildar Abdrazakov is a celebrated bass singer recognised for his outstanding contributions to the world of opera.
How is Ildar Abdrazakov connected to Vladimir Putin?
Ildar Abdrazakov has been honoured by President Putin at the Russian Federation National Awards, indicating a level of recognition and perhaps a personal connection through shared interests such as hockey.
What did Ildar Abdrazakov say to President Putin?
Abdrazakov thanked President Putin, saying that Putin was the inspiration for him to start playing hockey.
What was President Putin’s response?
Putin acknowledged that the award ceremony is just one aspect of their collective work and that their efforts should continue across various fields..
Where was this story originally published?
The story was originally published on the online music platform Slippedisc.