Unveiling Lex Luthor’s Most Diabolical Plan – Comic Book Movie Updates and Superhero News

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Lex Luthor, the archenemy of Superman, is known for his heinous plots. His criminal history involves not only multiple attempts on Superman’s life but also unscrupulous corporate ventures and crooked transactions. In a shocking twist, he even sacrificed his only child to Brainiac for sophisticated tech. But nothing tops his most recent atrocity, showcased in Superman #11 by Joshua Williamson and David Baldeón.

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In this gripping issue, Lex finds himself the target of vengeance by his former LexCorp employees, Doctor Pharm and Mister Graft. Teaming with Lex’s mother, Leticia Luthor, and a berserk Superman under the sway of Red Kryptonite, they form a Revenge Squad intent on Luthor’s downfall.

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Superman, in a Red Kryptonite-induced rage, is equally hostile towards both Luthor and his aggressors. Luthor seizes this opportunity to undo the effects of the Red Kryptonite, rescuing Superman in the process. But the assault is merely the prelude to Pharm and Graft’s true scheme.

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The duo releases a deadly gas in Metropolis, claiming it to be a variant of Green Kryptonite lethal to humans as well as Kryptonians. As Superman confronts them about the origin of such a toxin, a shocking confession is made.

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The Human-Harming Kryptonite was Crafted by Lex Luthor

Lex reveals under his breath that the Kryptonite vapor was in fact his invention. Pharm and Graft gloat, revealing their aim to tarnish Luthor’s image further by attributing the imminent mass deaths to one of his creations.

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The motivations behind Luthor’s development of this Kryptonite variation remain a mystery. While hurting Superman is typically on-brand for Luthor, the rationale for such widespread devastation remains cryptic.

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Eager readers can find Superman #11 at comic shops everywhere.

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FAQs About Lex Luthor’s Latest Scheme

  1. Why did Lex Luthor create a Kryptonite that could harm humans? The comic hasn’t fully disclosed his intentions, but it’s hinted that it may have been designed to target Superman specifically, with the catastrophic effects on humans perhaps an unintended consequence.
  2. How did Pharm and Graft get hold of Lex Luthor’s Kryptonite gas? The details of how they acquired it haven’t been made clear, but their history with LexCorp suggests they may have had access to Lex’s projects or at least knowledge of their existence.
  3. Is this the first time Lex Luthor has endangered humans with his plans? No, Lex Luthor has a history of enacting plans that risk human lives, though typically with a specific goal in mind that serves his interests or obsessions.
  4. Where can I read more about Lex Luthor’s new evil plan? Superman #11 is available for purchase at comic book stores and may also be available digitally through various comics platforms.
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Lex Luthor’s newest scheme to create a human-harming Kryptonite marks yet another dark chapter in the villain’s legacy. Employing such a weaponized form of Kryptonite not only showcases his enduring contempt for Superman but also emphasizes the lengths he is willing to go to exert his influence and exact revenge. The full implications of this plot are set to unravel in the pages of the Superman comics, and fans are left pondering the depths of evil that Lex Luthor can descend into—all in his dogged pursuit to vanquish the Man of Steel.

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