Former OpenAI safety lead Anthropic appoints to lead new team


Jan Leike, a respected figure in AI research, recently made headlines by joining Anthropic, a competitor of his former employer, OpenAI. His decision to depart OpenAI and join Anthropic follows his public criticism of OpenAI’s approach to AI safety. Leike’s move underscores the growing importance of safety-focused initiatives in the AI research community.

At Anthropic, Leike will lead a new “superalignment” team, focusing on various aspects of AI safety and security. This includes scalable oversight, weak-to-strong generalization, and automated alignment research. His team’s mandate aligns closely with the mission of OpenAI’s now-dissolved Superalignment team, which aimed to address core technical challenges in controlling superintelligent AI.

Leike’s role at Anthropic signifies the organization’s commitment to advancing AI safety and ethical principles. By appointing Leike to lead the superalignment team, Anthropic aims to leverage his expertise and insights to develop robust safety measures for AI systems. This move reflects a broader trend within the industry, with companies prioritizing safety considerations amid growing public scrutiny of AI technologies.

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Sources familiar with the matter indicate that Leike will report directly to Jared Kaplan, Anthropic’s chief science officer. This highlights the strategic importance of Leike’s role within the organization and underscores Anthropic’s commitment to investing in AI safety research. Additionally, researchers at Anthropic working on scalable oversight will now report to Leike as his team ramps up its operations.

The decision to bring Leike on board underscores Anthropic’s positioning as a leader in AI safety. CEO Dario Amodei, a former VP of research at OpenAI, founded Anthropic after parting ways with OpenAI due to disagreements over the company’s direction. Amodei’s vision for Anthropic emphasizes the importance of prioritizing safety and ethical considerations in AI development, contrasting with OpenAI’s commercial focus.

Leike’s departure from OpenAI and subsequent move to Anthropic reflects broader shifts in the AI research landscape. As concerns about AI safety and ethics continue to gain prominence, researchers like Leike are seeking environments where they can contribute meaningfully to the development of responsible AI technologies. Anthropic’s ability to attract top talent from competitors like OpenAI positions it as a formidable player in the AI research community.

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The transition of talent between AI companies underscores the competitive dynamics within the industry. As companies vie for leadership in AI research, recruiting experienced researchers like Leike is crucial for advancing their research agendas and maintaining a competitive edge. Leike’s expertise in AI safety and alignment will undoubtedly strengthen Anthropic’s position as a leader in the field.

Overall, Leike’s move to Anthropic represents a significant development in the AI research landscape. It highlights the increasing emphasis on safety and ethical considerations in AI development and the evolving dynamics between industry players. As both OpenAI and Anthropic continue to shape the future of AI, the decisions and contributions of researchers like Leike will play a pivotal role in determining the trajectory of the field.

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