Although Microsoft doesn’t want you to, the AI-powered Recall work in Windows 11 can operate on unsupported PCs without an NPU.


Microsoft recently made headlines by unveiling a slew of next-generation AI features set to debut exclusively on Copilot+ PCs with powerful Neural Processing Units (NPUs) alongside Windows 11. However, a crafty user managed to bypass these stringent requirements, successfully getting Windows Recall to run on Arm64 hardware, a feat previously thought to be impossible.

This workaround, discovered by Windows enthusiast Albacore, demonstrates that Windows Recall can indeed function on unsupported hardware, albeit with some caveats. While the feature performs surprisingly well on traditional Windows 11 PCs with Arm64 architecture, users are likely to experience optimal performance on devices equipped with dedicated NPUs.

Despite Microsoft’s insistence on limiting Windows Recall to Copilot+ PCs boasting advanced NPUs like Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X chips, Albacore’s breakthrough reveals that the feature’s functionality extends beyond these strict hardware specifications. In a video showcasing the workaround, Albacore confirms that Windows Recall operates as advertised, offering users access to its innovative capabilities on non-compliant hardware.

Although Microsoft doesn't want you to, the AI-powered Recall work in Windows 11 can operate on unsupported PCs without an NPU. 4

The video highlights the functionality of the screenray feature within Windows Recall, showcasing its ability to trace back users’ steps in context-sensitive mode. While the feature’s performance on unsupported hardware is commendable, it’s evident that certain aspects of Windows Recall do not necessarily rely on NPUs to function effectively.

Albacore also suggests that Windows Recall could theoretically work on Intel/AMD hardware as well. However, due to the absence of Arm64-specific machine learning (ML) model bundles for non-NPU devices, further optimizations may be required to ensure compatibility across different processor architectures.

Despite its apparent compatibility with non-NPU hardware, enabling Windows Recall on such devices may not offer the same level of performance and efficiency as on Copilot+ PCs equipped with dedicated NPUs. With NPUs, Windows Recall can offload certain processing tasks, alleviating the burden on the CPU and GPU and ensuring a smoother user experience.

Windows Recall, a key highlight of Microsoft’s recent Windows 11 announcements, has sparked significant debate regarding its implications for security and privacy. Positioned as an AI-driven memory enhancement tool, Recall captures snapshots of users’ activities and interactions on their PCs, allowing for seamless searchability of past events using natural language queries.

Although Microsoft doesn't want you to, the AI-powered Recall work in Windows 11 can operate on unsupported PCs without an NPU. 5

While Microsoft assures users of Windows Recall’s privacy-focused design, running entirely on-device via NPUs, concerns persist regarding potential security vulnerabilities and data privacy breaches. Despite being presented as an opt-in feature with customizable privacy settings, some users remain skeptical of Microsoft’s assurances.

The controversy surrounding Windows Recall has prompted scrutiny from privacy advocates and regulatory bodies, including the UK data watchdog, which is currently investigating the feature’s safeguards for protecting user privacy. Additionally, users have expressed apprehension about the feature’s implications for their digital autonomy, with some considering alternative operating systems like Linux amid concerns over data privacy and surveillance.

In the midst of these debates, Microsoft’s Copilot+ initiative aims to usher in a new era of AI-powered computing, leveraging dedicated NPUs to deliver enhanced performance and efficiency across a range of Windows 11 features. However, the availability of Windows Recall exclusively on Copilot+ PCs has raised questions about accessibility and inclusivity, as users seek clarity on Microsoft’s plans for extending support to traditional Windows 11 devices.

Although Microsoft doesn't want you to, the AI-powered Recall work in Windows 11 can operate on unsupported PCs without an NPU. 6

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