A new free utility from AMD is a must-have for any serious PC player.

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AMD has released a novel open-source tool called the Frame Latency Meter (FLM) for Windows that uses mouse movements to gauge how quickly games react. By giving precise information about how soon a mouse movement results in a new frame on the screen, this tool represents a substantial development in the field of gaming performance analysis. By minimizing input lag and optimizing system latency—two essential components for a better gaming experience—FLM provides users and producers of video games with a precise method of doing so.

A new free utility from AMD is a must-have for any serious PC player. 4

For a considerable while, measuring frame latency has been a crucial statistic in comprehending and enhancing input lag in games. A high-speed camera was used to capture the precise instant a mouse was clicked in the past, and the frames were counted until an on-screen response—like a muzzle flash in a first-person shooter game—appears. Although efficient, this procedure was time-consuming and needed certain equipment. This procedure is made easier by AMD’s FLM, which also makes it more widely available and does away with the requirement for a high-speed camera.

One of FLM’s most notable qualities is that it works with a large variety of GPUs—as long as they support DirectX 11 or later—including AMD, Nvidia, and Intel models. Notwithstanding their preferred hardware, a large number of users will be able to take advantage of the program due to its broad compatibility. DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) is the codec used by other GPUs, but AMD GPUs use the Advanced Media Framework (AMF) codec for data acquisition. With its adaptable data collecting techniques, FLM produces efficient frame-rate statistics and comprehensive latency information that can be exported to CSV files for additional examination.

The mechanism by which FLM measures latency is both innovative and efficient. It continuously captures frames and compares each one to the previous frame within a designated region. By generating a mouse movement event using standard Windows functionality and waiting for the frame contents to change, FLM records the time taken for this change as the latency. This method provides a direct and reliable measure of system responsiveness.

A new free utility from AMD is a must-have for any serious PC player. 5

To ensure accurate and consistent results, FLM averages 16 latency measurements per row, although users can choose to average more measurements for even greater precision. Unlike the traditional method that relied on muzzle flashes, FLM allows for quick, repeated measurements without concerns about running out of ammo or other limitations. This capability enables the software to autonomously collect unlimited samples, thereby increasing the accuracy and reliability of the data.

FLM offers a high degree of customization to cater to different user needs. Users can choose to measure latency based on either mouse movements or clicks, depending on their specific requirements. Additionally, the tool allows for the specification of frame capture regions and provides options for small sample sizes, continuous accumulation, or a constant meter for ongoing measurements. This level of flexibility makes FLM a versatile tool for a variety of applications, from casual gaming performance checks to professional game development and optimization.

FLM supports frame generation technology, although it is not yet clear whether it is compatible with all games that utilize the latest FSR 3 or DLSS 3 technologies. This potential compatibility could further enhance its utility, making it a valuable tool for analyzing and optimizing the performance of the latest gaming titles that employ advanced rendering techniques.

You may download FLM for free on Windows 10 and 11 if you’d like to give it a try. For anyone interested in delving deeper into the details of their gaming performance, the software is easily accessible through GPU Open or the official GitHub source. Because FLM is open-source, it may also benefit from ongoing community updates and enhancements, which could eventually expand its capabilities.

The measuring and analysis of gaming performance has advanced significantly with AMD’s Frame Latency Meter. FLM enables users to optimize their gaming setups and obtain a more responsive and fluid gaming experience by offering an easily accessible, highly adjustable, and efficient tool for evaluating system latency. The tools required to acquire deeper insights into frame delay and system responsiveness are provided by FLM, which is beneficial for both advanced gamers and game developers trying to optimize performance.

A new free utility from AMD is a must-have for any serious PC player. 6

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