Unraveling the Absurdity A Review of Cricket Through The Ages for Nintendo Switch

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In the whimsical world of video games, where creativity knows no bounds, Devolver Digital once again pushes the envelope with their latest release, “Cricket Through The Ages.” In this review, we dive into the absurdity of this unique title and explore its unconventional take on the sport of cricket.

Firstly, let’s address the elephant in the room: the concept of cricket as the central force throughout mankind’s evolution. From the early days of “violence” to cricket propelling the space program, the game takes players on a wild journey through history, albeit with a hefty dose of humor and satire. The narrative may be complete drivel, but it’s undeniably entertaining and adds a layer of absurdity that sets the tone for the entire experience.

Gameplay-wise, “Cricket Through The Ages” is a challenging endeavor, to say the least. Players are limited to one or two buttons, relying heavily on timing and precision to progress through each epoch of cricket play. Whether you’re pitching, hitting, or attempting to score points, the controls are deliberately simplistic yet surprisingly nuanced. However, don’t expect any semblance of realism here – the game revels in its absurdity, with physics that border on the ridiculous and gameplay mechanics reminiscent of QWOP.

One moment you may find yourself controlling a space shuttle as it launches into the heavens, while the next you’re hurling grenades at advancing forces – all within the span of ten minutes of gameplay. It’s chaotic, unpredictable, and utterly exhilarating in its sheer absurdity.

Visually, Cricket Through The Ages is a delightfully quirky experience. The art style is charmingly eccentric, with whimsical character designs and surreal landscapes that add to the game’s offbeat atmosphere. From raining in England to wielding croquet mallets against opponents, every moment is filled with delightful surprises and nonsensical humor.

Cricket Through The Ages is not your typical sports game. It’s a wacky, irreverent adventure that defies expectations and embraces the absurdity of its premise wholeheartedly. While it may not be for everyone, those willing to embrace the chaos will find themselves thoroughly entertained by this quirky title from Devolver Digital.

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