Draymond’s preference for the Mavericks to win the NBA Finals

Draymond Green, a seasoned NBA champion, has confidently selected the Dallas Mavericks as his favorite to win the 2024 NBA Finals. Speaking on the “Point Game Podcast,” the Warriors forward and four-time champ explained why he believes the Mavericks have all the necessary qualities to secure the championship.

According to Green, Dallas stands out because they possess a well-rounded team composition essential for winning the title. He emphasized that the Mavericks have everything needed for a championship run: wing defenders, reliable big men, and solid depth.

Green pointed out that the Mavericks’ depth is notable, mentioning players like Dwight Powell, who, despite being a very serviceable big man, doesn’t see much playing time due to the team’s depth. This depth allows the Mavericks to rotate players effectively, maintaining a high level of play throughout the game.

Furthermore, Green highlighted Tim Hardaway Jr.’s potential impact off the bench. Despite having a down year, Hardaway Jr. remains a significant threat due to his shooting abilities, which can change the course of any game quickly.

Central to Green’s confidence in the Mavericks are their stars, Luka Dončić and Kyrie Irving. These two players combined for 66 of Dallas’ 108 points during their Game 1 victory in the conference finals. Green believes that Dončić and Irving’s abilities make them two of the most unguardable players in the league. He underscored their offensive firepower, noting that “on any given night, they both can go for 40.”

However, Green noted that the Mavericks’ success largely hinges on Dončić’s mindset. He questioned whether Dončić is ready to maintain his high level of play consistently, especially when things aren’t going well. He believes that Dončić is capable of this but it remains to be seen if he can sustain it throughout the playoffs.

Green also praised Irving’s growth as a leader. He acknowledged that Irving’s leadership has been crucial for the Mavericks, despite the ups and downs in his career. He highlighted Irving’s self-awareness and improvement, noting that Irving admitted his past leadership failures and made the necessary corrections.

Green said, “nobody wants to give that man his credit because of all the things that he’s been through.” He pointed out how Irving’s self-reflection and willingness to improve have positively impacted the team. Green added, “you can only respect that.”

The combination of Dončić’s emerging consistency and Irving’s refined leadership is a critical factor in why Green sees the Mavericks as strong contenders. He emphasized that Dallas’s depth and versatility give them a strategic advantage in the playoffs.

The Mavericks’ blend of seasoned talent and dynamic younger players creates a balanced team capable of adapting to various opponents. Green’s experience in high-stakes games lends credibility to his assessment, suggesting that his insights are well-founded.

Draymond Green’s endorsement of the Mavericks highlights their potential to go all the way. He pointed out that Dallas has the pieces to win a championship, stressing the importance of their depth, star power, and leadership.

With just three wins separating the Mavericks from their first Finals appearance in the Dončić era, Green’s prediction seems well-founded. The combination of their depth, star power, and improved leadership positions the Mavericks as a formidable contender for the NBA championship.

As the playoffs progress, all eyes will be on Dončić and Irving to see if they can lead Dallas to the title. The pressure is on, but with players like Dončić and Irving stepping up, the Mavericks have a solid chance to fulfill Green’s prophecy and clinch the championship.

In the competitive world of the NBA, predictions from seasoned players like Green hold significant weight. His confidence in the Mavericks reflects not just their potential but also their readiness to seize the moment and make history.

Green’s observations about the Mavericks are not just casual comments; they are based on a deep understanding of what it takes to win at the highest level. His analysis provides a detailed look at why he believes Dallas is poised for success, offering fans and analysts alike a compelling reason to watch the Mavericks closely this postseason.

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