The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s previously abandoned alternate ending is remade by modder

YouTuber xLetalis shared a video showcasing an alternate ending for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This alternate ending was created by the talented modder Glassfish, who restored content that had originally been scrapped by CD Projekt Red. The alternate ending offers a new perspective on the game’s conclusion, providing fans with an intriguing look at what might have been.

In the original ending, Geralt is pulled out of his fight with Eredin by Yennefer, his potential partner and sorceress. However, in the remade cutscene by Glassfish, Geralt wakes up in a tent and is cared for by two doctors who are making a bet on his survival. This change in the storyline immediately sets a different tone and offers a fresh narrative experience for players.

After leaving the hospital, Geralt talks to Yennefer. The dialogue in this scene varies depending on whether Geralt is romantically involved with Yennefer or Triss, another sorceress. This added layer of complexity enhances the player’s sense of agency and personal investment in the story. Regardless of who Geralt was dating in the original game, he can ask Yennefer about Ciri’s whereabouts or the outcome of the war. This choice reflects the game’s commitment to player-driven storytelling and the importance of Geralt’s relationships and concerns. The extended ending continues with more content that was originally deleted, offering a deeper and more nuanced conclusion to the game’s epic narrative.

One of the additional scenes in the restored ending includes Geralt attending Crach’s funeral. This event adds emotional depth and a sense of closure to the storyline, highlighting the impact of the characters’ actions and relationships. Following the funeral, Geralt meets the Lodge of Sorceresses. This encounter is significant as it delves into the political and magical complexities of the game’s world.

The interactions with the Lodge provide further insight into the characters’ motivations and the intricate web of alliances and conflicts that drive the narrative. The inclusion of this scene underscores the richness of the game’s lore and the depth of its character development.

In a surprising twist, the extended ending also features Yennefer betraying the Lodge to save Ciri. This moment is particularly striking as it showcases Yennefer’s loyalty and the lengths she is willing to go to protect those she cares about. The betrayal adds a layer of drama and tension to the story, emphasizing the high stakes and the difficult choices the characters must make. xLetalis speculates that CD Projekt Red may have decided to exclude this scene from the final game for creative reasons. They might have wanted to prioritize matching the player’s motivations with the overall beat of the story, ensuring that the narrative felt cohesive and aligned with the player’s choices.

The restoration of the deleted content by Glassfish was made possible by CD Projekt Red releasing the REDkit modding tool for the PC version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in May. This tool allows players to modify the game and create new content, breathing new life into the game long after its initial release.

The REDkit modding tool had previously been released for The Witcher 2, but it wasn’t used to insert previously scrapped scenes into the game as we are seeing now with The Witcher 3. Glassfish was able to pull the deleted content from the game’s files, where it had been left even though it was cut from the main game. This effort by Glassfish demonstrates the dedication and creativity of the modding community and their ability to enhance and expand upon existing games.

The work of modders like Glassfish highlights the potential for games to continue evolving and offering new experiences to players. By restoring deleted content and creating alternate endings, modders can provide fans with fresh perspectives and deeper insights into their favorite games. The alternate ending for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt not only adds new scenes and interactions but also enriches the overall narrative, giving players a more comprehensive and engaging story. For fans of The Witcher 3, this restored content is a fascinating glimpse into what could have been, adding new layers of meaning and emotional resonance to the game’s already vast and immersive world.

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