The Chop: Sky TV carpentry show dropped over competitor’s tattoos

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Sky won’t communicate its TV carpentry challenge The Chop after competitor’s face  “could be associated with extreme right belief systems”.  broadcasted  now been dropped.

The member was blamed for having Nazi images all  denies they  implications.

Sky History apologized and said it was “completely assessing” its cycles. AETN UK, which runs the channel, the choice not toscenes of The Chop on Sky History” following an “free examination”.

It stated: “A candidate’s tattoos included images that could be associated with extreme right belief systems and could cause offense; we earnestly apologize for that and we are heartbroken that our cycles didn’t instant

“The  arduously reject that he has, or ever had, extreme right leanings. We are completely looking into our inner cycles following  AETN UK and Sky prejudice and  being equal.”

The Chop: Britain’s Top Woodworker, facilitated by Lee Mack and Rick Edwards, was expected to have followed  than nine weeks of carpentry challenges.  were first raised when the channel posted a Darren Lumsden, from North Somerset, was seen with the number 88 on his cheek. As H is the eighth letter of the letter set, the number can  code for “Heil Hitler”. attention to different markings that could be related withSky History at first said his tattoos meant “critical functions in his day to day existence and have no political or philosophical importance at all”. It said the number  1988, the time of Mr Lumsden’s  dad  The Sun and The Daily Mail, who both professed to have found him.

In its  channel  completed “broad record verifications” on all candidates has no affiliations or connections to bigoted gatherings, perspectives or remarks”.  erased and a  the channel would research the  importance”.

The BBC has  Lumsden for input. Addressing the Bristol Post about his tattoos in an  the furore ejected, he stated: “I have my girl on  my head and my child on my cheek.

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