Samsung’s R&D is concentrated on artificial intelligence and a possible ‘radical’ shift in hardware.

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With the goal of changing the smartphone technological environment, Samsung is putting more of an emphasis on artificial intelligence (AI) in its smartphones. The Head of Mobile at Samsung, TM Roh, emphasized the company’s dedication to further incorporating AI into its phones in a recent interview with Financial Review. Upgraded sensors and possibly larger screens to handle new functionality are just a couple of the important improvements in hardware design that could result from this AI focus. According to Roh, mobile AI will be “multi-modal” in the future, which means it will be able to process and understand data from several sources at once.

Samsung is thinking of redesigning the hardware of its devices to accommodate this sophisticated AI. The business is investigating enhancements that would better support the next generation of AI applications, even though the current hardware lineup is considered “sufficient” for the capabilities of AI as it currently exists. More advanced sensors and various form factors are examples of these improvements that could create new opportunities for mobile AI.

Samsung's R&D is concentrated on artificial intelligence and a possible 'radical' shift in hardware. 5

Comparing Roh’s mentioned hardware modifications to Samsung’s current products, they might be rather significant. Although he did not give a specific description of these modifications, it is likely that the business is investigating cutting-edge concepts like to the rollable and foldable phone prototypes that were on display at CES 2024. Samsung anticipates a new era of mobile AI, which such gadgets may align with by offering greater flexibility and usefulness.

Samsung is also working to lower the cost of foldable phones. Lower pricing is a major market requirement, according to Roh, and the company is allocating resources for research and development to meet this need. In order to investigate the possibilities for less expensive foldable gadgets, Samsung is working with other businesses. This might open up this cutting-edge technology to a wider range of consumers. The Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Fold 6, which highlight Samsung’s most recent foldable technological innovations, were presented during the company’s recent Unpacked presentation on July 10.

While these new models feature minimal hardware changes, they demonstrate Samsung’s ongoing commitment to improving its foldable lineup. The Fold 6, for instance, has been made slightly wider and more square, while the Flip 6 retains the look of its predecessor but with a more powerful 50MP primary camera and a larger 4,000mAh battery.

Samsung's R&D is concentrated on artificial intelligence and a possible 'radical' shift in hardware. 6

Foldable devices are seen as ideal platforms for integrating Galaxy AI, due to their versatile nature. Samsung’s vision for these devices includes not only improved hardware but also enhanced AI features that can offer more seamless and intuitive user experiences. One such feature is “Live Translate,” which Samsung plans to extend to third-party messaging apps like WhatsApp, further showcasing the practical applications of AI in everyday use.

Samsung’s push towards AI and foldable technology reflects a broader strategy to stay ahead in the competitive smartphone market. By focusing on AI, Samsung aims to provide users with smarter, more capable devices that can handle a wider range of tasks and offer more personalized experiences. The anticipated hardware upgrades and new form factors are expected to complement these AI advancements, creating a more integrated and efficient ecosystem of devices.

Roh’s comments underscore Samsung’s ambition to lead in the AI-driven future of mobile technology. As the company continues to innovate, it will likely introduce new features and capabilities that leverage AI to enhance user experiences. Whether through more affordable foldable phones or advanced AI functionalities, Samsung is positioning itself to meet the evolving needs and expectations of consumers. Samsung’s strategy also includes expanding its partnerships and collaborations to drive innovation. By working with other companies, Samsung aims to accelerate the development of new technologies and bring them to market more quickly. This collaborative approach is expected to play a crucial role in achieving the company’s goals, particularly in making foldable phones more accessible and integrating AI more deeply into its products.

Overall, Samsung’s commitment to AI and its exploration of new hardware possibilities signal a bold move towards redefining the mobile experience. As these developments unfold, consumers can expect to see more sophisticated, AI-enhanced devices that offer greater functionality and versatility. Samsung’s efforts to innovate and lead in this space could set new standards for the industry, driving competition and inspiring further advancements in mobile technology. The company’s dedication to affordability in its foldable line is particularly notable. With current models often priced out of reach for many consumers, a more budget-friendly foldable could democratize access to this cutting-edge technology.

Samsung's R&D is concentrated on artificial intelligence and a possible 'radical' shift in hardware. 7

Moreover, the focus on improving hardware to better support AI functionalities could lead to significant advancements in how users interact with their devices. Enhanced sensors and larger screens could enable more immersive and intuitive experiences, making everyday tasks easier and more enjoyable. Samsung’s exploration of new form factors is also an exciting prospect. Foldable and rollable designs offer unique benefits, such as greater screen real estate in a compact form, which could revolutionize the way we use mobile devices. These innovations could pave the way for new applications and use cases that were previously unimaginable.

The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into mobile devices aims to transform our relationship with technology, not just provide new functionality. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve gadget responsiveness, predictiveness, and comprehension of user demands. When technology adjusts to the user instead of the other way around, it can result in a more seamless and effective user experience. Samsung’s resource allocation and strategic emphasis make it clear that it is committed to leading in this market. Thanks to its commitment to research and development, as well as its openness to trying out new collaborations and designs, the company is well-positioned to take advantage of the potential that artificial intelligence brings.

With its emphasis on AI and foldable technologies, Samsung is leading the way in a major change in the mobile market. Samsung is putting itself at the forefront of mobile innovation by giving AI integration top priority and investigating new hardware possibilities. We may anticipate seeing increasingly advanced and functional gadgets that improve our lives in novel and fascinating ways as these technologies continue to advance. In order to ensure that more customers can take advantage of these improvements, Samsung has demonstrated its commitment to accessibility by lowering the cost of foldable technology. As we look to the future, it’s certain that Samsung’s plans for foldable smartphones and mobile AI will have a significant impact on the direction of technology.

Samsung's R&D is concentrated on artificial intelligence and a possible 'radical' shift in hardware. 8

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