RFK Jr.’s Independent Presidential Campaign Raises $2.6 Million in May Amidst Fundraising Challenges

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential campaign reported raising $2.6 million in May, a significant drop from previous months and a testament to its reliance on substantial donations, particularly from vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan, a Silicon Valley lawyer.

May marked the campaign’s lowest fundraising month this year, following Shanahan’s decision to withhold substantial contributions after contributing nearly $8 million in April. Despite the drop, the campaign maintains a cash reserve of $6.4 million, bolstered by earlier contributions.

Comparatively, President Biden recently raised $8 million from a single fundraiser in Virginia, while former President Trump’s campaign reported a robust $141 million haul for May, underscored by his ongoing political influence despite legal challenges.

Kennedy’s campaign expenditure in May totaled approximately $6.2 million, largely allocated to consulting services aimed at securing ballot access across all 50 states ahead of the November election.

Kennedy, known for his environmental advocacy and controversial stance on vaccines, faces challenges in qualifying for the presidential debates, potentially limiting his impact on the election dynamics. Polls suggest Kennedy could affect the race marginally, with varying impacts on Biden and Trump’s electoral prospects.

As the election season intensifies, Kennedy’s candidacy introduces complexity into what promises to be a closely contested election between Biden and Trump, with implications for voter alignment and strategic campaign efforts.

Despite fundraising setbacks, Kennedy remains committed to his candidacy, aiming to influence national discourse on critical issues amidst a competitive electoral landscape.

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