Reruns of Friends are how Lisa Kudrow ‘celebrates’ Matthew Perry.

Watching past ‘Friends’ episodes, Lisa Kudrow has been “celebrating” Matthew Perry. Known for her portrayal of Phoebe Buffay in the enduring sitcom, the actress, sixty years of age, had been unable to watch the show for years because she considered it “too embarrassing to watch” herself. To honor her late friend and co-star, who went away in October of last year at the age of 54, she has started rewatching the series recently.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Lisa shared, “Honestly, I wasn’t able to watch it because it’s too embarrassing to watch yourself. But if I make it about Matthew, then that’s OK. And it’s just celebrating how hilarious he was — and that is what I want to remember about him.”

Last month marked the 20th anniversary of the show’s final episode, and despite the passing of time, Lisa finds herself “blown away” by just how funny her castmates were. She expressed her admiration for their comedic talents, saying, “I’m laughing out loud, and everyone is hilarious. I’m blown away by Courteney Cox. I’m blown away by Jen [Aniston]. Matthew, obviously, is just uniquely hilarious. No one ever knew that cadence or comedic rhythm before him. Matt LeBlanc is hilarious. And David Schwimmer, too. Sometimes I even laugh at what I’ve done.”

Lisa’s rewatching of ‘Friends’ has become her own way of celebrating the show’s anniversaries, even though she admits it’s a bit embarrassing. She commented, “So yeah, I mean, that’s my own little way of celebrating [the anniversaries], just watching it. But it’s embarrassing. At home, if anyone walks in the room and I’m watching ‘Friends’, that’s a horrible look, I think, don’t you?”

The actors’ companionship and good humor did not stop when the cameras were rolling. Because these are funny individuals, you’re literally laughing all day long in between the scenes, Lisa reminisced about the festive environment on set. Especially someone like Matthew, whose objective was to find the daily amount of laughter that he could in real life. Our faces were streaming with tears as we were laughing so hard all the time.”

In light of his tragic passing, Lisa thinks her friend would be happy with how he is regarded. Saying, “I believe the world is remembering him the way he wanted to be remembered,” she responded when asked how she thought the world would remember Matthew. I believe that to be happening already.”

The ability to revisit ‘Friends’ and focus on Matthew Perry’s remarkable comedic talent has allowed Lisa to find a new appreciation for the show and its cast. It has also provided her with a way to cope with the loss of her dear friend. By celebrating his unique humor and the joy he brought to millions, Lisa is honoring Matthew’s legacy in a way that feels personal and meaningful.

Watching ‘Friends’ with a focus on Matthew’s performances has brought back a flood of memories for Lisa, not just of the show itself, but of the times spent laughing and bonding with her co-stars. The show, which remains a cultural touchstone, continues to bring joy to new generations of viewers, and for Lisa, it has become a means to keep the memory of her friend alive.

Reflecting on the impact of ‘Friends’ and her experience rewatching it, Lisa has been reminded of the extraordinary chemistry and talent that defined the show. The laughter and connections shared among the cast were genuine, and it’s clear that the bond they formed was special and enduring. As she revisits the episodes, Lisa’s laughter is a testament to the timeless humor and camaraderie that ‘Friends’ encapsulated.

Through this personal journey of rewatching ‘Friends’, Lisa Kudrow is not only celebrating the show but also paying a heartfelt tribute to Matthew Perry. Her reflections offer a poignant reminder of the impact he had on his friends, colleagues, and fans. In the laughter and joy that ‘Friends’ continues to bring, Matthew Perry’s legacy lives on, cherished by those who knew him best and by the countless viewers who were touched by his work.

Lisa Kudrow’s process of celebration and remembrance is deeply rooted in the idea of reflection. By reflecting on her time on ‘Friends’ and specifically on Matthew Perry’s contributions, she is able to navigate her grief and find joy in the memories. This reflection is not just about looking back with sadness, but about embracing the laughter and happiness that Matthew brought into her life and the lives of millions of fans.

Reflection, as Lisa demonstrates, is a powerful tool in dealing with loss. It allows individuals to connect with their past in a way that honors the deceased while also providing a sense of comfort and continuity. For Lisa, watching ‘Friends’ serves as a way to reflect on the good times, the funny moments, and the deep bonds formed during the show’s run. This act of reflection turns what could be a painful experience into a celebration of life and laughter.

Moreover, reflection can be a communal act. As Lisa shares her thoughts and experiences with the public, she invites fans to join her in celebrating Matthew’s life. Her openness helps others to reflect on their own memories of ‘Friends’ and the joy it brought into their lives. This shared reflection creates a sense of community and collective mourning that can be incredibly healing.

In her interviews, Lisa has highlighted the unique comedic talent of each of her co-stars, reflecting on their individual contributions to the show’s success. This not only honors Matthew but also celebrates the ensemble cast that made ‘Friends’ a beloved sitcom. By reflecting on these contributions, Lisa underscores the importance of each member’s role in creating something special and enduring.

Reflection also plays a crucial role in personal growth and understanding. For Lisa, revisiting ‘Friends’ with a focus on Matthew allows her to see the show from a different perspective. It gives her the opportunity to appreciate the nuances of his performance and the ways in which he brought his character to life. This deeper understanding enhances her appreciation of his talent and solidifies his legacy as a gifted comedian.

By reminiscing about ‘Friends’ and Matthew Perry, Lisa is creating a narrative that honors his memory. She offers a clear image of Matthew’s persona on and off screen with tales and anecdotes that she shares via her reflections. Keeping his legacy alive and making sure his accomplishments are remembered can be accomplished in large part through this storytelling.

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