Notre Dame College Announces Closure Amid Enrollment Challenges

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Notre Dame College, a prominent Roman Catholic institution located in Ohio, has made the difficult decision to close its doors permanently after the conclusion of the spring 2024 semester. The announcement, which came on Thursday, March 1, 2024, sent shockwaves through the college community and marked the end of an era for the institution.

The decision to close Notre Dame College was not made lightly. The administration cited a combination of factors that contributed to the closure, including declining enrollment and a dwindling pool of traditional-aged students. Over the past decade, the college has experienced a significant decrease in enrollment, with a nearly 37% decline from 2014 to 2022, according to federal data.

Despite efforts to address financial challenges through fundraising, debt refinancing, and accessing federal and state pandemic relief funds, Notre Dame College determined that these measures were insufficient to alleviate budget shortfalls and meet debt obligations. The college explored options such as a merger or acquisition with Cleveland State University but was unable to reach a viable agreement, ultimately leading to the decision to close.

John Smetanka, interim president of Notre Dame College, expressed sadness over the closure but emphasized the administration’s commitment to facilitating a smooth transition for students as they pursue their educational goals elsewhere. The closure of Notre Dame College adds to a growing list of college closures in Ohio and across the nation, reflecting broader trends in higher education.

To assist current students in continuing their education, Notre Dame College has arranged teach-out agreements with ten other institutions, primarily in Ohio, as well as Mercyhurst University in Pennsylvania. These agreements ensure that students can complete their credentials without losing time or credits, providing a pathway for them to pursue their academic aspirations.

As the Notre Dame College community grapples with the news of the closure, the institution’s legacy of academic excellence and commitment to service will be remembered by the communities it has served throughout its history. While the closure marks the end of an era for Notre Dame College, its impact on the lives of students and faculty will endure for years to come.

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