In a heartfelt statement released by Buckingham Palace, King Charles III has expressed his gratitude for the outpouring of support following his recent cancer diagnosis. The 75-year-old monarch, who was diagnosed with cancer earlier this week, conveyed his appreciation for the overwhelming messages of goodwill and encouragement he has received.
“I would like to express my most heartfelt thanks for the many messages of support and good wishes I have received in recent days,” King Charles stated. “As all those who have been affected by cancer will know, such kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement.”
The statement further emphasized the significance of raising awareness about cancer and the invaluable support provided by organizations dedicated to assisting cancer patients and their families. King Charles highlighted the positive impact of sharing his diagnosis, noting how it has helped foster public understanding and shed light on the vital work carried out by these organizations.
“It is equally heartening to hear how sharing my own diagnosis has helped promote public understanding and shine a light on the work of all those organizations which support cancer patients and their families across the U.K. and wider world,” the monarch expressed. “My lifelong admiration for their tireless care and dedication is all the greater as a result of my own personal experience.”
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While the specific type and stage of cancer were not disclosed by Buckingham Palace, officials clarified that it is not prostate cancer, for which the King underwent surgery last month due to an enlarged prostate. The King remains optimistic about his treatment and anticipates resuming his full public duties soon, with regular treatments scheduled to commence.
Prince Harry, upon learning of his father’s diagnosis, returned to the U.K. for a brief 24-hour visit to spend time with King Charles III. The royal family continues to rally around the King during this challenging time, drawing strength from the widespread support and well wishes received from across the globe.