Kevin Costner adds, ‘My divorce was a crushing moment.’

One “crushing moment” in Kevin Costner’s life was his divorce. Early this year, the 69-year-old celebrity announced the end of his marriage to Christine Baumgartner, and he has since admitted that their split “hurt” him deeply. After being married to the designer from 2004 to 2024, the Hollywood star said on “CBS Mornings” that it was a heartbreaking time. It holds great power. That ached. Yet I move on. My kids are staring at me, so I’m at a loose end. I thus have to move on and not wither away like a daisy.”

Kevin, who has Cayden, 16, Hayes, 15, and Grace, 14, with his ex-wife, is now determined to protect his children following his divorce. The movie star said: “I have to continue to be who I am and keep a special eye on who they are.”

Earlier this month, Kevin revealed that he would “like to be in love” once again. The actor remains open to the possibility of finding love, following his high-profile split from Christine. Asked if he could see himself falling in love again, the actor told PEOPLE: “Yeah, I think everybody would like to be in love. There’s such a good feeling that’s associated with that. It may have to be defined in a different way, but yeah, I love the idea of that possibility. I’m not going to let anything harden my heart.”

Kevin also revealed that he prioritized his children’s welfare amid his split from Christine. The award-winning actor, who has seven children in total, admitted that it was a difficult scenario to navigate for himself and his family. He said: “You just keep talking, you keep coaching [the kids], you keep interested in what they’re interested in … I had to.”

Kevin Costner’s divorce marked a significant and painful chapter in his life. The dissolution of his marriage to Christine Baumgartner, after two decades together, was more than just a personal loss; it was a profound emotional upheaval. Despite the deep hurt, Kevin’s primary focus has been on his children, ensuring their well-being and stability amid the family turmoil. The commitment to his children’s welfare has been a guiding force for Kevin, compelling him to remain strong and resilient. He acknowledges that his role as a father requires him to maintain a steady presence, offering support and guidance to his kids during this challenging time.

Reflecting on his future, Kevin remains hopeful about the prospect of finding love again. His openness to love, despite the recent heartbreak, showcases his optimism and willingness to embrace new possibilities. He believes in the positive emotions that come with being in love and is not letting his past experiences harden his heart. This outlook highlights his resilience and his desire to continue living life with an open heart.

The actor’s approach to his divorce and its aftermath is characterized by a blend of vulnerability and strength. He does not shy away from admitting the pain of his breakup, yet he emphasizes the necessity of moving forward for the sake of his children. This duality of acknowledging hurt while demonstrating resilience is a testament to his character and dedication as a father.

Kevin’s emphasis on staying engaged with his children’s interests and lives underscores his deep commitment to his role as a parent. He understands the importance of maintaining a strong connection with his children, ensuring they feel supported and understood during this transitional period. His proactive approach to parenting, involving continuous communication and interest in their activities, reflects his dedication to their emotional and psychological well-being.

The actor’s journey through divorce and his reflections on love and family reveal a man who, despite facing significant personal challenges, remains committed to his core values. His ability to balance personal pain with parental responsibility illustrates a profound sense of duty and love for his children. Kevin’s story is one of enduring hope and resilience, demonstrating that even in the face of life’s most crushing moments, the drive to protect and nurture one’s family can provide the strength to move forward.

Kevin’s outlook on love and life post-divorce is inspiring. His belief in the possibility of love, despite recent hardships, shows his enduring faith in human connections. He understands that love might come in different forms and definitions, but the essence of it remains a source of joy and fulfillment. This perspective not only speaks to his personal growth but also offers a hopeful message to others going through similar experiences.

Kevin’s public character and profession are enhanced by his approach to his divorce, which lends relatability and complexity to his public persona. His dramatic performances and parts in epic films are well-known, and many can relate to his real-life hardships and how he overcame them. His supporters find him more approachable and relatable because of his candor regarding the suffering and the healing process.

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