Joe Don Rooney Announces Sobriety Journey with Rascal Flatts

Rascal Flatts lead guitarist, Joe Don Rooney, recently took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to share a significant update about his life, revealing his journey to sobriety. In his heartfelt message, Rooney apologized to his fans for his absence on social media platforms and addressed the various rumors surrounding him.

Setting the record straight, Rooney affirmed that he is alive, healthy, and ready to face the world. He disclosed a pivotal moment in his life that occurred on September 9, 2021, at 4 a.m. when he experienced a life-altering incident – a car crash where he collided with a tree while intoxicated. This event became the catalyst for his decision to confront his drinking problem, which had plagued him for many years.

Rooney candidly acknowledged the progressive nature of alcoholism, emphasizing that as he grew older, his drinking habits worsened. He attributed his lifestyle choices to the pressures of his career, mistakes in his home life, and the pain and trauma from his childhood and early adulthood. Reflecting on this period, he admitted to being an inadequate father, husband, and bandmate.

The musician expressed gratitude for the wakeup call provided by the car crash, which he believed was guided by a higher power. Recognizing the potential severity of the situation, Rooney acknowledged the reality that he could have ended up in federal prison for life. This realization prompted him to take responsibility for his actions and seek help.

Following the crash, Rooney voluntarily checked himself into rehab, spending four months in the mountains of Utah. Despite initial feelings of shame and guilt, he gradually embraced the tools and principles offered by clinicians, counselors, and fellow patients. Rooney acknowledged the profound change in his life, expressing gratitude for the transformation.

As of January 13, Rooney will have been sober for almost 28 months, a milestone he once believed to be unattainable. He openly shared that alcohol had been deeply ingrained in his daily and nightly routines, making the journey to sobriety a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. The guitarist’s message serves as a powerful testament to the possibility of transformation and redemption, offering hope to others facing similar struggles.

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