Dave Bautista reacts to Scarlett Johansson suing Disney over the arrival of Black Widow with a Drax film joke

Dave Bautista reacts to Scarlett Johansson suing Disney over the arrival of Black Widow with a joke about a Drax film. Subsequent to getting his beginning in the WWE, the professional wrestling champion known as Batista changed to a vocation in acting, with his advancement job as Drax the Destroyer coming in 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Bautista proceeded to play the adorable outsider in the 2017 continuation and two Avengers motion pictures. His forthcoming appearances as Drax in stage 4 incorporate Thor: Love and Thunder and Guardians of the Galaxy 3, which Bautista has effectively said will be his last depiction of the person.

Dave Bautista is the principal Marvel star to openly react to Scarlett Johansson’s fight in court with Disney, yet he didn’t favor one side in the manner one would anticipate. In a tweet reacting to the Black Widow lawsuit, the entertainer kidded that Disney ought to have rather made a performance film focused on Drax, expressing “Told em they should’ve made a #Drax film yet noooooo!” Check out the first tweet underneath:

It’s not quickly evident what Bautista implied with his tweet, however he is by all accounts recommending that if Marvel made an independent film for Drax rather than Black Widow, they wouldn’t be confronted with a lawsuit at this moment. Bautista has been communicating interest in a Drax solo film throughout recent years, regardless of whether it doesn’t star himself, he is more inspired by the person’s history being investigated. James Gunn tested out the possibility of a film fixated on Drax and Mantis, yet it didn’t appear to gather a lot of interest from Marvel.

Bautista is now being reprimanded online for treating this matter with carelessness and not being totally educated prior to remarking on the contention, however maybe he was simply attempting to bring some levity into an inexorably tense circumstance. Bautista’s tweet definitely will not help himself with Marvel, yet it shouldn’t influence his future since he appears to be happy with leaving the MCU after Guardians 3 and is unmistakably not reluctant to air his complaints. Since Bautista has loosened things up, it will be fascinating to check whether some other MCU stars remark on the Black Widow lawsuit in the coming weeks.

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