Chief James Gunn uncovers that he was unable to bring himself to kill one of The Suicide Squad’s main characters

James Gunn

Chief James Gunn uncovers that he was unable to bring himself to kill one of The Suicide Squad’s main characters. Gunn’s new film is viewed as a delicate reboot of David Ayer’s Suicide Squad from 2016. Despite the fact that The Suicide Squad wasn’t advertised as a sequel, the film includes the arrival of a portion of Ayer’s characters including Captain Boomerang, Rick Flag, Amanda Waller, and Harley Quinn.

In an interview with Variety, while discussing a portion of his cinematic decisions for The Suicide Squad, James Gunn uncovered that he originally killed off Ratcatcher 2. He conceded that he was unable to bring himself to proceed with this vision, as he trusted Ratcatcher was as well “sweet” to kill toward the end. He likewise added that he stressed her demise would make the film excessively dull, something Warner Bros. has been trying to avoid.

“No, [a Harley Quinn or Bloodsport death] never occurred. Yet, there was a change. The original ending that I pitched, one main person kicked the bucket and one main person didn’t bite the dust. Also, the main person who passed on was Ratcatcher 2. She was so sweet, I just felt like it was simply excessively dim. Not that we don’t cherish Polka Dot Man. We do. I just couldn’t [kill Ratcatcher 2]. So I yielded.”

DC films have been significantly hazier than MCU projects, yet with most comic book motion pictures, the legends normally win. Indeed, even with the Suicide Squad motion pictures focusing on villains, the two movies have shown the light in the villains like with Harley Quinn escaping the harmful grasps of the Joker. With a ghastliness foundation, Gunn appeared to know how much brutality and dull storylines were expected to make The Suicide Squad a compelling comic book film. That being said, he likewise conceivable looked to Ayer’s Suicide Squad to perceive what accomplished and didn’t work with crowds. In the end, it seems as though Gunn suspected killing Ratcatcher 2 wouldn’t have turned out well with fans.

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