James Gunn Confirms The Suicide Squad Is Set In The Mainline DC Extended Universe

James Gunn

Author/director James Gunn affirms that the recently delivered The Suicide Squad is in fact set in the mainline DC Extended Universe. The film sees Amanda Waller enrolling another program of lawbreakers for her Task Force X, otherwise called the Suicide Squad, with going to the anecdotal South American island of Corto Maltese and obliterating the Nazi-time laboratory Jotunheim and all hints of a strange Project Starfish. A portion of the new characters present in the film incorporate David Dastmalchian’s Polka-Dot Man, John Cena’s Peacemaker, Daniela Melchior’s Ratcatcher 2, Idris Elba’s Bloodsport, Sylvester Stallone’s King Shark and Peter Capaldi’s The Thinker.

While visiting with Collider for the film, Gunn was gotten some information about the setting of The Suicide Squad concerning the bigger DCEU canon. However incapable to offer any affirmations in regards to connections to Henry Cavill’s Superman, Gunn expressed the film is set in the mainline universe and referred to two key movies and characters as associations for his film. See what Gunn said beneath:

“It is the DCEU. So it’s whatever the DCEU is today with Aquaman and The Flash and all the other things, that is the place where The Suicide Squad is. So that is the thing that it is. [Whether it is attached to Henry Cavill’s Superman], that is outside of my domain of knowledge.”

However his lips might be fixed on the Cavill-Superman problem presently tormenting DCEU fans — and WB themselves — the affirmation that The Suicide Squad is set in the mainline DCEU should come as a glad note for fans. Given the film’s exceptionally free binds with the bigger establishment, beside a proceeded with development in Harley following her separation from The Joker in Birds of Prey, it’s unquestionably reasonable that many may have pondered the likelihood that it is set on another Earth. Also, with The Flash prepared to present the idea of the multiverse to DCEU audiences, some might have considered the likelihood that Gunn’s film was a considerably subtler presentation for it.

That being said, there is positively enough proof in The Suicide Squad to recommend that the film is both set in the mainline DCEU and after the occasions of its archetype. Between Harley’s continuous advancement and her and Captain Boomerang’s unobtrusive references to their past working with one another and Flag, it’s quite clear the film is basically a continuation of Ayer’s work. The greatest place of interest will now be what outcomes the story holds for the bigger DCEU pushing ahead, which will initially be seen when Gunn’s side project series Peacemaker debuts on HBO Max in January.

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