Anthony Mackie needs Falcon to show up in Blade

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Anthony Mackie needs Falcon to show up in Blade and cooperate with Mahershala Ali’s vampire tracker. As the Marvel Cinematic Universe has developed, it has gotten significantly more typical for legends to hybrid into different establishments. Iron Man showed up in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Hulk joined Thor: Ragnarok, and the rundown goes on. Mackie is going to lead his first MCU property with The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, however he’s showed up in different establishments during his time in the MCU.

Wonder Studios is in the beginning phases of creating Mahershala Ali’s independent Blade film. It was early this year that the studio recruited Watchmen’s Stacey Osei-Kouffer to compose the content. There is no word on who will show up in the film or how associated it will be to the bigger MCU story. That isn’t preventing Mackie from affirming his longing to join the cast. It would be an extraordinary opportunity to see Mackie and Ali share the screen and conceivably put Falcon in the otherworldly after The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.

Anthony Mackie needs Falcon to show up in Blade 2

It stays not yet clear if Mackie will get his desire. Regardless of whether he doesn’t show up in Blade. There is consistently the opportunity that a hybrid will happen later on. Chief America and Blade ought to have unmistakable parts in the MCU pushing ahead. Anthony Mackie’s Captain America could lead Avengers 5. While Mahershala Ali’s Blade could be important for the list sooner or later. As Marvel Studios keeps on combining characters as one. Ideally Mackie gets his desire and offers the screen with Blade sooner rather than later.

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