Almost 10,000 Chinese patents were filed in just the last year, surpassing the United States’ total of six to one in the last ten years regarding generative AI patents.

China filing most number of generative AI patents files 6 patents for every one of the US 2024 07 80a9c834b69434b48c3e6794b8856003 1200x675 1

The recent study on generative AI patent applications by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has highlighted China’s impressive rise in the global technology landscape. Chinese companies have filed an astounding 38,210 generative AI patents over the last ten years, far ahead of the US, which has filed 6,276 patents in this area. This discrepancy demonstrates China’s deliberate emphasis on utilizing AI and machine learning technologies to strengthen its technological superiority and competitive edge.

Almost 10,000 Chinese patents were filed in just the last year, surpassing the United States' total of six to one in the last ten years regarding generative AI patents. 6

Comparatively, the UK has 714 patents, Germany has 708, South Korea has 4,155, Japan has 3,409, India has 1,350, and the United States has 714. These are the other top countries for generative AI patent applications. China has a significant advantage in patent filings, which is indicative of its ambitious plan to lead in the next wave of technological innovation, even if these countries also exhibit extensive AI research and development activity.

Almost 10,000 Chinese patents were filed in just the last year, surpassing the United States' total of six to one in the last ten years regarding generative AI patents. 7

China’s rapid progress in AI is particularly notable given its historical strengths in manufacturing and its evolving capabilities in software development. While Western nations continue to dominate in semiconductor technologies critical for hardware components, China has strategically shifted its focus towards software advancements, such as AI algorithms and applications. This shift allows China to circumvent some of the challenges posed by restrictions on semiconductor exports and focus on building expertise in high-value software technologies.

However, China’s technological ambitions face significant headwinds, primarily driven by geopolitical tensions, especially with the United States. The U.S. government has imposed stringent sanctions aimed at restricting China’s access to advanced technologies crucial for AI development, including semiconductor technologies like GAA transistors and HBM chips. These measures are part of broader efforts to safeguard Western technological dominance and mitigate perceived security risks associated with China’s rapid technological advancement.

Almost 10,000 Chinese patents were filed in just the last year, surpassing the United States' total of six to one in the last ten years regarding generative AI patents. 8

In response to international restrictions and embargoes, Chinese tech giants like Tencent, Baidu, and Alibaba have intensified their investments in AI research and development. These companies are pivotal players in China’s quest to develop indigenous capabilities in AI and reduce dependency on Western technologies. They are increasingly focusing on developing homegrown AI solutions tailored to domestic and global markets, thereby bolstering China’s position as a leading innovator in AI technologies.

Educational institutions and research organizations are pivotal in driving China’s AI ambitions. WIPO’s report indicates that 19 out of the top 20 patent holders in generative AI are educational institutions, underscoring the critical role of academia in advancing AI research. Alphabet (Google) stands out as the sole corporation among these top patent holders, reflecting its substantial contributions to AI research and innovation globally.

Alphabet’s leadership in AI research is further underscored by its significant number of citations, totaling 47,568 from 2010 to 2023. This indicates the profound impact of Alphabet’s research on the global AI landscape and its role in shaping the future of AI technologies.

Almost 10,000 Chinese patents were filed in just the last year, surpassing the United States' total of six to one in the last ten years regarding generative AI patents. 9

Despite international sanctions and geopolitical challenges, Chinese organizations, particularly the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have emerged as influential contributors to AI research, with 15,674 citations. This highlights China’s growing influence in global AI research and its ability to produce cutting-edge innovations despite external pressures.

Almost 10,000 Chinese patents were filed in just the last year, surpassing the United States' total of six to one in the last ten years regarding generative AI patents. 10

China is strategically positioned to compete worldwide in emerging technologies thanks to its concentration on software-driven innovation in AI. China wants to demonstrate its leadership in the rapidly changing AI space and bolster its technological might by emphasizing AI algorithms, applications, and research partnerships with academic institutions. The direction of China’s technical rise in AI will continue to influence global dynamics and reshape the future of technology-driven innovation as the tech rivalry between the United States and China intensifies.

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