AI at the Olympics will remove derogatory comments made to athletes in Paris—IOC

In order to stop harassment aimed at 15,000 athletes and officials during the upcoming Paris Olympics, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) intends to use artificial intelligence (AI). This decision is being made in the context of geopolitical tensions that have already led to cases of abuse on social media, including the crises in Gaza and Ukraine. The IOC’s effort, which attempts to protect competitors in the face of an estimated 500 million social media contacts during the Games, underscores the scope and difficulty of controlling digital conversation during such high-profile events.

IOC President Thomas Bach emphasized the proactive use of AI tools during a recent press conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. He outlined the deployment of AI across various areas, with a primary focus on safeguarding athletes from cyber abuse. The AI system is designed to monitor and swiftly address abusive content across social media platforms, ensuring that athletes are shielded from harmful or offensive posts. This proactive approach underscores the IOC’s commitment to protecting the well-being and reputation of participants during the global sporting event.

The Paris Olympics, scheduled to commence on July 26, will feature over 10,500 athletes competing across 32 sports, attracting massive global attention and interaction on social media. Bach highlighted the staggering volume of social media engagement expected during the 16-day event, noting that manually reviewing each post would require 16 years. The AI safeguarding tool, therefore, plays a crucial role in managing this immense digital footprint and maintaining a positive environment for athletes and officials.

The IOC’s AI initiatives aim to address a range of abuses beyond political accusations, amid difficulties regarding the participation of athletes from Belarus and Russia as neutrals because of geopolitical restrictions. Although the IOC did not provide specifics about how athletes interacted with the AI program, they did guarantee thorough monitoring to quickly identify and delete offensive content. Regardless of geopolitical conflicts or tensions, the IOC is committed to treating all participants fairly and with respect, as seen by its proactive approach..

President Bach also addressed political developments in France, including snap parliamentary elections scheduled shortly before the Olympics. Despite these events, Bach expressed confidence in France’s preparations and commitment to presenting itself positively during the Games. He emphasized that both the government and opposition parties are aligned in their dedication to showcasing France’s best during this global sporting event, reassuring stakeholders of seamless preparations amid domestic political dynamics.

The use of AI to monitor and mitigate social media abuse marks a significant technological advancement in safeguarding athletes’ mental and emotional well-being. The IOC’s decision underscores a proactive approach to leveraging technology for ensuring a safe and supportive environment during one of the world’s largest sporting gatherings. As digital interactions continue to shape public discourse and athlete experiences, the implementation of AI-driven safeguards sets a precedent for future Olympic events and global sports competitions, emphasizing the importance of digital security and ethical AI use in sports governance.

In an era of increased social media scrutiny, the IOC’s use of AI for the Paris Olympics is a critical step towards improving digital safety and athlete protection. The IOC hopes to preserve the spirit and integrity of the Games while tackling modern issues with digital communication and online conduct by utilizing cutting-edge technologies. This project is a reflection of continuous efforts to innovate in sports administration and guarantee that players can compete and flourish in a civil and encouraging online space.

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