A Cosplayer On Reddit Perfectly Recreates An Ideal Replica of The Ten Rings from Marvel’s Shang-Chi


A cosplayer on Reddit created an ideal replica of the Ten Rings from Marvel’s Shang-Chi and The Legend of Ten Rings. The Ten Rings are a mystical weapon used in Shang-Chi by Tony Leung’s Xu Wenwu, the titular character’s father. Since the movie’s release, the incredibly brilliant and detailed costumes have inspired several cosplays of its distinct character designs.

Enriquez’s latest creation is a replica of the Ten Rings, which he shared with the r/MarvelStudios Subreddit. The Ten Rings are made mostly out of EVA foam and feature a strip of clear plastic with a shine stick inside to give them their distinctive blue gleam. Enriquez had previously made the staff that Shang-Chi fights with in the movie and stated he received several requests on the tutorial video to create the ten rings straightaway. In his Ten Rings tutorial video, Enriquez displays the rings with an orange shine stick to give them their alternate look from the ending of Shang-Chi. In regards to the fitted appearance, Enriquez reveals the smaller rings that didn’t fit around his arm were separated at two ends and joined together with a magnet for easy wear.

In Shang-Chi, the Ten Rings begin as the primary weapon of Wenwu, yet before the finish of the film, they switch allegiance to Shang-Chi. In one of Shang-Chi’s credits scenes, more is revealed about the Ten Rings as it’s discovered the rings have been sending out a signal to some unknown point in the universe. It’s clear from this alone that the Ten Rings will have a greater part to play in the MCU, and as something other than Shang-Chi’s new toys. Still, as his now signature weapon, the Ten Rings are set to become popular new accessories for Marvel fans, similar to Mjolnir or Cap’s shield.

Enriquez’s Ten Rings are simple in their crafting and use not many materials, yet it’s that same simplicity that makes this recreation so successful. The markings on the rings are randomly drawn yet look incredibly similar to the ones from the movie. What’s most impressive is Enriquez’s decision to use sparkle sticks rather than LED lights for a cheap and more realistic-looking light impact. You can see a greater amount of PropWay’s content on his Instagram (@propway) and corresponding tutorials on his YouTube (PropWay).

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