The Naruto franchise captivated audiences for years, following the adventures of the spirited ninja, Naruto Uzumaki. Boruto: Naruto Next Generations picks up the story in a new era, introducing a generation of ninja born into a world of peace. While some might see it as simply continuing a beloved story, Boruto offers a multitude of new elements that enrich the Naruto universe. Here are 10 of the best things Boruto added:

A New Ensemble of Characters: Sarada Uchiha, Mitsuki, and Boruto are just two examples of the unique personalities, struggles, and aspirations of their friends. They pay tribute to their parents’ legacy and infuse new life into the story.

Exploration of the Otsutsuki Clan: Boruto delves deeper into the mysterious Otsutsuki clan, the alien beings with immense power who were the true antagonists pulling the strings behind many past conflicts.

Modern technology has been welcomed by the Naruto universe, which has integrated ninjutsu with it. For the upcoming ninja generation, this means intriguing dynamics and challenges.

Karma: The enigmatic power that the Otsutsuki bestowed upon Boruto and Kawaki gives them amazing powers but also puts them in danger. Their travels become more intriguing and suspenseful as a result.

Worldbuilding Beyond Konohagakure: Boruto ventures outside the familiar village of Konohagakure, exploring other hidden villages and political landscapes, expanding the scope of the ninja world.

Emphasis on Jutsu Evolution: As the ninja world develops, new jutsu techniques and adaptations of well-known ones are presented, demonstrating their inventiveness and adaptability.

Deeper Look at Established Characters: We see beloved characters from Naruto in new roles—Naruto as Hokage, Sasuke as a mentor—offering fresh perspectives on their lives and personalities.

Themes of Legacy and Change: Boruto grapples with living up to his father’s legacy, while the series explores how the ninja world is adapting to a new era of peace and the challenges it brings.

Moral Ambiguity: With characters like Kawaki possessing nuanced motivations, the distinction between right and wrong becomes increasingly hazy. This gives the story more complexity and interest.

Unpredictable Plot Twists: Boruto doesn’t shy away from surprising plot developments, keeping fans engaged and guessing what comes next.

Published by Kavita Rani

Kavita Rani is a dedicated editor at "The UBJ," where she covers a wide range of general daily content. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Kavita brings the latest news and developments to her readers with clarity and insight.

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