Who Stars in Uranus Attacks and What Roles Do They Play?

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With its distinct fusion of humor and science fiction, the comedy Uranus Attacks (2024) is sure to make you laugh and feel excited. The film revolves around the invasion of Uranus, a small town, by Zamik, an evil alien slug. The plot centers on two best friends and fudge-packing employees who have to prevent the aliens from “assimilating” and taking over their town. The ensemble of the movie is varied and gifted, and they all contribute a unique touch to the oddball personalities of Uranus.

Dave Martinez as Luke McCormick

One of Uranus Attacks’ two main protagonists, Luke McCormick, is portrayed by Dave Martinez. When the town is invaded, Luke, a fudge-packing employee at the Uranus Fudge Factory, finds himself right in the thick of things. Martinez’s portrayal of Luke makes him a relatable hero as he teams up with his best friend to fight off the alien threat by fusing comedic timing with a sense of sincere determination.

J.R. Timothy as Roy

In addition to co-directing the movie, J.R. Timothy portrays Roy, Luke McCormick’s best friend and coworker who packs fudge. Roy is known for his witty sense of humor and devoted friendship. Because of his dual responsibilities as director and actor, Timothy is able to fully inhabit Roy’s persona, which adds a great deal to the humorous and daring tone of the movie.

Jennica Anusua as Valerie Vickers

Valerie Vickers, a pivotal character in the town of Uranus, is portrayed by Jennica Anusua. The character of Valerie gives the narrative a dash of charm and ingenuity. Her contribution to the town’s efforts to fight the alien threat and support the heroes is crucial. It is anticipated that Anusua’s performance will give the movie both charm and nuance.

Curt Doussett as Earl

Curt Doussett portrays Earl, an additional Uranian citizen entangled in the extraterrestrial incursion. The way Earl interacts with the other residents of the town lends a sense of realism and humor to the narrative. Earl is portrayed as a tough and somewhat eccentric character. Doussett’s performance is expected to be memorable and entertaining.

Jacob Young as Sheriff

As the Sheriff, a local law enforcement official tasked with navigating the chaos of the extraterrestrial invasion, Jacob Young assumes the role. Young’s role will probably be a blend of comedic relief and authority, bringing the seriousness of the situation and the lighthearted aspects of the movie together.

London Lazerson as Beau

Beau, played by London Lazerson, is a pivotal figure in the town’s defense. Beau, a resident of Uranus, adds layers of humor and intrigue to the story through his interactions with the main characters and his participation in the town’s battle against Zamik. Uranus’s quirky charm is anticipated to be emphasized in Lazerson’s performance.

Louie Keen as Mayor of Uranus

As the mayor of Uranus, Louie Keen takes on the responsibility of guiding the town through the alien invasion. The combination of Keen’s commanding presence and lighthearted undertones in her portrayal is likely to highlight the mayor’s struggle to keep things under control while chaos erupts.

Tiffany Baker as Tiffany

The character Tiffany, played by Tiffany Baker, has a part in the town’s efforts to fight the alien threat. The story gains a personal touch from Tiffany’s character, and the humor and emotional depth of the movie are elevated by Baker’s performance.

Brian Keith as Cletus

Brian Keith plays Cletus, an eccentric Uranian who contributes to the film’s diverse ensemble of characters. The interactions between Cletus and the other townspeople add to Uranus’s general atmosphere and the film’s comedic elements.

Melanie Lech as Diana

Diana, portrayed by Melanie Lech, is a support character for the main heroes. Lech’s performance is anticipated to bring a level of strength and compassion to the movie, and Diana’s role is crucial to the town’s resistance against the alien invasion.

Melinda Yeaman as Ms. Patty

Another important character whose contributions are vital to the town’s struggle is played by Melinda Yeaman as Ms. Patty. The film is expected to feature a blend of heart and humor from Ms. Patty’s character, which reflects Uranus’ sense of community.

Brian Savard as Deputy

The Deputy, a member of the local law enforcement team who assists the Sheriff, is portrayed by Brian Savard. Savard’s performance enhances the film’s balance between serious and humorous moments by providing a further degree of authority and comedic relief.

Nathan Kirby as Agent Johnson

The role of Agent Johnson, played by Nathan Kirby, brings a sense of mystery and intrigue to the movie’s plot. It is anticipated that Agent Johnson’s character will mesh well with the sci-fi and comedy elements of the movie.

Dannia Tan as Randy Girl

The character of Randy Girl, played by Dannia Tan, contributes to the humor and diversity of the ensemble cast in the movie. The comedic and dramatic aspects of the movie are enhanced by Randy Girl’s interactions with other characters.

Dana Grossman as Kitty

The character Kitty, portrayed by Dana Grossman, adds to Uranus’s quirky and enjoyable atmosphere. Kitty’s character is meant to draw viewers in with her unique personality while balancing the humorous tone of the movie.

With a talented ensemble cast, Uranus Attacks is sure to be a memorable cinematic experience. Each actor contributes their distinct skills to the film’s humorous and exciting story.

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