Where Was Oscar Wilde About America Filmed? Exploring the Diverse Locations of This Unique Film

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James Andrew Walsh’s film Oscar Wilde About America reimagines Oscar Wilde’s 1882 American tour as a contemporary cross-country road trip. Released on January 15, 2025, this ambitious movie blends historical details with modern themes of queer joy, love, and liberation. In addition to retelling Wilde’s story, the film features a number of striking locations in both London and the United States. We will go into the filming locations that give the vibrant story of the movie life in this article.

The United States: A Cross-Country Adventure

New York City

The action of the movie starts in the busy city of New York City. New York City, well-known for its striking skyline and thriving cultural scene, provides an appropriate setting for the beginning of Wilde’s contemporary journey. The city’s varied neighborhoods and landmarks contribute to the setting for Wilde’s investigation of modern American society, mirroring the dynamic and complex character of his original tour.


Oscar Wilde’s About America travels west, capturing scenes in Chicago, a city renowned for its architectural wonders and historical significance. The dynamic urban landscape and unique skyline of Chicago offer a striking contrast to the New York City backdrop of the film. The film’s depiction of Wilde’s journey gains depth from the city’s historic theaters and cultural venues, which mirror Wilde’s own experiences with performance and literary acclaim.


Renowned as the epicenter of country music, Nashville, Tennessee, is a major character in the movie. Its southern charm and musical legacy provide a special backdrop for Wilde’s introduction to American culture. The film draws attention to the differences between Wilde’s 19th-century viewpoint and the current cultural environment by utilizing Nashville’s vibrant music scene and historic locations.

New Orleans

The film gains a hint of mystery from the colorful and diverse atmosphere of New Orleans. New Orleans, with its vibrant festivals, rich history, and varied architecture, offers a vivid setting for Wilde’s experiences. Reflecting Wilde’s own search for self-expression, the city’s historic sites and French Quarter help the film explore themes of identity and liberation.

Los Angeles

The movie ends in Hollywood, Los Angeles, the center of glamour and entertainment in the United States. The backdrop of the film industry and its famous sites in Hollywood provide a fitting end to Wilde’s contemporary road trip. The city’s contrast with the previous locations in the movie highlights how Wilde’s journey has changed and represents his arrival at a place where his concepts of queer joy and individual freedom have gained fresh relevance.

London: Bridging the Past and Present

Iconic London Landmarks

Although most of Oscar Wilde About America was shot in the US, London, England, is also featured heavily in the movie. London acts as a link between Wilde’s historical background and the modern world portrayed in the movie, thanks to its extensive literary legacy and rich history. Famous sites in London include historic theaters and the British Museum, which set the historical background for Wilde’s contemporary exploits.

Filming in London’s Theaters

The movie also makes use of the well-known theaters in London, which are essential to Wilde’s legacy. Scenes captured in historically significant theaters accentuate the link between Wilde’s contemporary reimagining and his original tour. These locations enhance the film’s depiction of Wilde’s journey by paying homage to his literary and theatrical contributions.

A Tapestry of Locations

A visually stunning and thematically rich film, Oscar Wilde About America skillfully blends iconic London settings with a variety of American locations. The film’s settings, which range from the busy streets of New York City to the glitzy glamour of Hollywood, and from the historic charm of London to the vibrant cultures of American cities, are essential to capturing the essence of Wilde’s contemporary journey. The changing themes of identity, diversity, and liberation that are essential to Wilde’s reimagined adventure are reflected in each setting, which also serves to enhance the story.

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