What is the Runtime of All We Wanted?

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How a story is told and received by an audience is greatly influenced by the duration of a film. The duration of Chris Dickerson’s film All We Wanted (2024) is one hour and forty-three minutes. This length plays a significant role in determining how the audience experiences the movie as a whole, especially given the genre—a horror-thriller that promises intense tension, suspense, and a horrifying twist of events.

The film’s 103 minutes successfully balances telling a succinct, action-packed tale with giving enough room to develop the characters and create tension. A little under two hours is the perfect duration for a horror-thriller movie to keep viewers on the edge of their seats without losing interest or dragging the plot. This article examines the reasons why All We Wanted’s runtime works so well, how it enhances the mood and pacing of the movie, and why such timing is essential in the fast-moving world of modern cinema.

Why 1 Hour and 43 Minutes is Effective

With a duration of one hour and forty-three minutes, All We Wanted, a movie about a small group of people caught in a dangerous situation, manages to build suspense without going overboard. The timing of a horror-thriller is crucial. A film that is too short could come across as hurried, while one that is too long could lose viewers due to dwindling suspense.

Each part of the story—the build-up, the conflict, the climax, and the introduction—gets enough screen time thanks to the duration that was selected. A filmmaker and his friends are first shown to the audience in the film as they go to a distant estate to meet with a family who may become investors. Just enough time is left at this point for the audience to comprehend the motivations and dynamics between the characters. This prepares the audience for the terrifying turn of events that ensue when a gang of men wearing masks attacks, compelling the characters to unite in a struggle for survival.

All We Wanted is 103 minutes long, which gives it enough time to establish a sense of normalcy before the chaos starts, thereby increasing the tension. By allowing the audience to get to know the characters before launching into action, the movie makes the stakes feel more real and captivating when danger does arise. The audience is drawn further into the narrative by this slow and realistic transition into survival mode.

Maintaining Suspense and Tension

All We Wanted’s running time contributes to the genre of the movie by skillfully building a tension that becomes more and more unsettling. Horror-thriller movies frequently make the mistake of either moving too fast, which compromises character development, or dragging out the suspense until it becomes stale. This potential downfall is avoided by the narrative, which runs less than two hours.

The movie picks up speed as the men in masks launch their attack. The viewer is now completely engrossed in the situation’s danger and intensity. The action scenes are crammed into the running length of the film to build tension without deviating into pointless subplots or filler material. The suspenseful atmosphere needs to be maintained for the entire duration of the play.

This pacing helps the film’s structure because it never lets the audience get too comfortable. All We Wanted makes good use of every second to deliver a suspenseful experience and makes sure the stakes stay high throughout by keeping the tension high and the plot narrow. The comparatively short running length ensures that the plot advances without lingering on long dialogue or sluggish scenes.

A Satisfying Conclusion Within the Timeframe

The film’s 1 hour and 43 minute runtime is also important because of its ability to wrap up the story in a way that leaves viewers satisfied. Suspense and unexpectedness are key components of the horror-thriller genre, but films that drag out their conflict run the risk of losing viewers. In order to make the finale both shocking and cathartic, All We Wanted builds to a high-stakes climax and manages to conclude the main plot within the allotted time.

The film’s runtime allows it to offer a thrilling experience without overstaying its welcome, which is especially important for a movie that thrives on constant tension. The conclusion arrives at just the right moment, leaving the audience with a sense of closure after a nerve-wracking ride.

All We Wanted, a horror-thriller that precisely fits the genre, is a gripping and tense experience that lasts for one hour and forty-three minutes. Every minute matters thanks to the tightly plotted narrative, thrilling action scenes, and tension. This duration is not only sensible, but it also helps the movie maintain viewers’ interest and tension throughout, providing an enjoyable experience from beginning to end.

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